Saiyan Saga

  The saga starts off 7 years after Dragon Ball. Goku has settled down with Chi Chi and they had their fist child, Gohan. Soon, Radits, Goku's brother, arrives on Earth. He tells Goku all about him being from an alien race, the Saiyans, and that he was sent to Earth to destroy the planet. But Goku hit his head against a rock and forgot his mission. Goku becomes a friendly boy with a tail. He never knew what the tail was. Radits asks Goku to join him in conquering the universe. Goku refuses. Radits gets mad and kidnaps Gohan. Goku knows he isn't stong enough to beat Radits so he asks Piccolo, he arch-enemy, for help. Piccolo agrees.

  Goku and Piccolo find Radits with Gohan in Radits spaceship. A fight ensues. At first, Radits is clearly stronger. Then Piccolo tells Goku he has a special technique that he's been working on.  Piccolo tells Goku to hold Radits so he can charge up and kill Radits with his Special Beam Cannon. Piccolo takes an extremely long time. Finally, he fires his Special Beam Cannon. The beam kills Radits and Goku. Before Radits dies, Piccolo learns that 2 more Saiyans, even more powerful than Radits, will arrive on Earth to look for the dragon balls.

  Piccolo takes Gohan with him and tell Krillin, Master Roshi, and Bulma he was going to take Gohan and train him until the 2 Saiyans arrive. The word spreads and the Z fighters are training hard to prepare for the Saiyans. At this time, Kame went to Enma, the guy that sees where spirits go after they die, to hell (HFIL- Home For Infinite Losers), or to heaven. Sometimes, Enma will allow the spirits their body and to train. Kame convinced Enma to let Goku have his body and allows him to train with King Kai. Goku has to travel Snake's Way to get to King Kai's planet. Snake's Way is 1 million miles long.

  Piccolo now is training Gohan. Well, not really training. He says to Gohan that if he can live in the wilderness, full of dinosaurs and the like, for 6 months, he will teach Gohan to fight. The Z fighters are training extremely hard, hoping to defeat the 2 Saiyans. Also, Bulma goes looking for the dragon balls so in a year, they can revive Goku.

  6 months later (this is only 1 episode), Goku finally arrives at King Kai's planet. First, King Kai tells Goku that if he can make him laugh, he will train him. Goku is not a comedian and he is fustrated. Goku gets frustrated and says, "I'm not a comedian, I don't even know what comedians read, comic books?". With this, King Kai laughs and says he will train Goku. Now Gohan has survived and has gotten real strong since Piccolo left him. Piccolo sees this and starts his training. Piccolo goes real harsh on Gohan. But Gohan keeps going, and is extremely stong. One night, as Gohan was sleeping, he got up to go pee. As he was peeing, he saw the full moon. He had never seen the full moon before. Soon Gohan turns into a giant ape. Gohan destroys a lot of the area. Piccolo tries to stop him but can't. Then Piccolo had an idea. He looked at the moon and aimed a big fireball at it. Then he blew up the moon. Gohan stops his rampage, turns back into a kid, and goes back th sleep.  The nest morning, Gohan didn't know anything that happened.

  It is now 1 month before the Saiyans will arrive. Goku has learned a few new techniques from King Kai. He learns the Kaio-Ken. It boosts up his power level extremely high, but sometimes, the users body can't take the strain and dies. Goku can go Kaio-Ken and Kaio-Ken X2. But King Kai tells Goku never to use Kaio-Ken X2, only in extreme cases. He also learns the Spirit Bomb. This attack is one of Goku's strongest. He puts both hands in the air and gathers the energy from the planets life. If the planet has a lot of life, he will get the bomb to be more powerful. On Earth, the Z fighters have all evenly reached about the power level of 1000. Piccolo and Gohan are still training, when the Saiyans land.  Piccolo finds out first and tells Gohan. The Saiyans, Napa and Vegita, meet up with Gohan and Piccolo and asks them for the Dragon Balls. They refuse. Then Krillin, Tien, Chaozu, and Yamcha arrive. Vegita decides to toy with them. He releases the Saibamen after the 6 Z fighters. First Yamcha dies from one, then, Krillin fires a slow fireball into the air. Later it splits into several other fireballs and kills all the Saibamen (oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeah!). Now our heros have to fight the weaker of the 2 Saiyans, Napa.

   It seems our heros can't even touch Napa. Krillin fires his Destructo Disc and scratches Napa's face(not much but hey, more damage than anyone else did besides Goku.!) . Chazou latches onto Napa's back and self-destructs. This does nothing to Napa. Tien in rage attacks Napa. Napa eventually slices off Tien's arm. After a little more, Tien dies. Vegita calls for a time out to wait for Goku to return from the dead because he finished his training. After the 3 hours, Goku still hasn't come. Now Napa resumes kicking ass. He launches a fireball at Gohan and Piccolo gets in the way. Gohan is spared but Piccolo is dead, which means Kame is dead, which means no more Dragon Balls. Now, only Gohan and Krillin lives(see,
Krillin is alive) Finally, finally, Goku arrives.

  Goku toys with Napa
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