This is a way to find out your power level. Try to make up your own. Okay heres how it goes Add your height in inches and how heavy you are. Add how much you can bench press.  Add your age. And divide that number by 50. Its as simple as that!
The average human is between 5-8 so check out yours!

I personally got
6.04(as of 5-6-02), not shabby huh?

height (in.) + weight + how much you can bench press + age and divide all this by 50.

here's mine. height (in.) (67) + weight (102)+ how much you can bech press (120) + age (13) and divide by 50. Lets do the math 67+99=166, 166+100=266, 266+12=278, and 278 divided by 50=
In the future I'd like to put some people's power levels up so, e-mail me ([email protected]) your power level with name. That's all and you might have your name and power level up immortalized on my site (until I give up a DBZ site of course)
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