
Welcome / Velkommen

Welcome to my little piece of the net.This is where you can immerse yourself in my life to a small degree. My menu system will take you to the various parts of this net site. It is low graphical as I remember not everyone has broadband and not everyone has a computer that can handle the latest graphic gimmicks.

What you will not find on this site anytime soon are these...
  1. You will not find ColdFusion multimedia.
  2. You will not find fancy Flash multimedia or movies.
  3. You will not find memory intensive graphics just so I can show off.
  4. You will not find fancy scripts for no reason than pride
  5. You will not find Macrovision Multimedia anything.

You will never find any of these on this site ever.
  1. You will never find Internot Exploder only code.
  2. You will never find Active X objects. (*1)
  3. You will never find Microsoft Java code.
  4. You will never find Microsoft Javascript code.
  5. You will never find Microsoft DHTML code.
  6. You will never find Microsoft XML code.
  7. You will not find some other Microsoft proprietary code here except possibly VBScript once it goes ISO and /or more browsers can use it.
*1: If I code it personally and other browsers besides M$ Internot Exploder can use it, then you may find Active X on this net site.
Visual Basic 6 can create Active X dll's and Active X Executables. I will not put any Active X code on my site except in compressed file
archive form until other browsers such as Opera, Mozilla's Firebird, Mozilla, and others can use Active X.

Known Acceptable Browsers Any browser listed has been tested on this site with no known major bugs. Dispaly errors are not considered a major bug. All other browsers have not been tested with obvious unknown compliance.

*1: Firefox is very close to Mozilla. It should work just fine.
*2: Any Netscape that is HTML 4xx compliant should work.
*3: Opera 6xx and newer should work without incident. Opera 5xx line is more iffy.
*4: Firefox formerly Phoenix is so close to Mozilla in many ways yet not all. Firebird is much faster on average. Have you given it a try yet?.

Forward and Warnings
This site will be done my way. It will not be normal by most American standards. I do not kid myself into thinking most other cultures will consider this normal either. Here are some facts I need to get handled before going onward.
  • This net site group will be done in my own personal manner without regard to any existing national standards. I am an individual who flat out refuses to be just another drone.
  • I will be using a mix of American English, Norwegian, personal terms, and slang on this net site.
  • I will update this net site as often as I can with once a month if I have something worth updating. Attending a technical college has really eaten up my free time. The plus side is I can eventually get a job that pays more than cheap wage I am getting now.
  • This net site is getting done in a mix of HTML 4 compliant editors with few if any bells and whistles initially. I would rather have a site that works well than a site that looks current which takes forever to load. You may have forgotten how many people are on older machines yet I have not. You may have forgotten how many are still on slow dial up connections. I have not. Not everyone has a browser that can understand all the bells and whistles modern net pages can have. These factors are why I stay with simple HTML 4 not the XML that is out. DHTML is a possibility later on.
  • In the Norsk area, I will have partial to full deviation from prime topics of Norsk-Americansk , Americansk, and Norsk mega groups on this net group. I will try to keep such deviation to minimal here. If I have another area to stick this material, major writeups will go there.
  • In the Norsk area, I am going to put what I can of possible interest to Norsk-Americansk , Norsk, and Americansk with no Norsk bloodlines yet Norsk interests like me here. Where does it say one must have a Norsk bloodline to fully appreciate and /or enjoy Norwegian culture, language, and lifestyle?
  • Some of the stuff mentioned may or may not be fully legal everywhere in the world. By reading this net site Norsk group you do release me from all liability in your local area regardless of where that may be. If you skip ahead to other pages, your actions do explicitly agree to these legal concepts without recourse. I will get a US based legal disclaimer up as soon as I can.
  • My own personality is such that I am not the most pleasant person all the time. I am known to have these personality traits...Obnoxious, stubborn, defiant, occasionally greedy, occasionally selfish, minimal tact, and highly individualistic. Many people have told me I have a cruel, harsh, mean, merciless, pityless, and vengeful streaks in conjunction with my well known highly defensive and volatile nature. If one adds in my tendency to speak my mind with digital direct clarity without regard to how others may take my speaking, I may not rate too highly on the civilized scale. My view is too many people feel they must be politically correct at all time in all things. I do not. *Beep* Political Correctness 8 times The general idea is simple. I am a nice guy most people would like in some manner as long as they can handle my vocal methods especially digital direct output if I am not provoked. If I get provoked, it is like shaking reactive chemicals; You may regret it as I can go off with little warning once sufficiently provoked. On the positive sides I do have humor, I do get along very well with most rug rats, I work well with the common house pets well, and have a light side that does shine through.
  • Unlike too many sites with an obnoxious sign by my view "This site is under perpetual construction" or something close, this net group is perpetually under construction yet shall probably never have that darn sign.
  • I will use spell checking on my English by default. Grammar checking may or may not be done constantly. My Norse can not be spell checked as both my word processor and HTML editors do not understand it. I will go find a Norsk based or acceptable spell checker when I can.
  • This may drive some people nuts. I am going to treat this whole net group like a application I might write. It makes sense for me. It will be a non standard net group in too many ways.
  • My language shall be mostly what America call PG13 to R range with the occasional NC17. I am aware that many other countries especially Europe consider America to be over reactive kids concerning language use, sex, and sexual content.
  • Do not consider everything here perfect. Much of this data here needs verifying before it should be taken as correct.
  • I have made reasonable attempts at having the Norsk writing be correct.
  • I will do what I can regarding my language skills.
  • In the Norsk area, the default attempted written language shall be Bøkmal yet NyNorsk might be there. It is a problem when one is teaching onself a new language via books and net pages.
  • If you have problems with my using Norse and possibly in due time Englorse/Norlesk ( pseudo Norwegian and English intermix), I suggest you stay off my Scandinavian pages. I must use Norwegian if I am to learn it.
  • This site will be done in piece by piece manner. I will not be worried how often I change this site's pages. I call this "living net" approach. You call it what you wish. Since this site will be done in pieces with page by page approach, I do not suggest linking to anything other than a main page. The page could disappear without warning.

    Main Pages

    Date Format Note
    I do not use standard dates. Those have been deemed excessively analog. I do not like analog. I use a digital based date format. This format is simple IMO..MMDDYYYY . That is 8 characters exactly which does cover everything. If this were an app I am writing I would declare it as "Global DateFormat as string * 8" or something close. The day this site really got going was 05112003.

    For whatever reason, I am going to list what I use for this net site here. WordPerfect 10, AceHtml 5 Pro, Coffeecup 9, 1stPage 2000, and AceFTP3 PRo are all used in creating and /or maintaining this site.

    I have no email up and running at this time. The spammers have made it too rough. I will try to get something up and running in the future.
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