The Flow

Hearts are pounding
palms sweat.
Hands are shaking
we've just met.
Kiss me silently
sweet to taste.
A comfortable look
nothing to waste.
Arms of steel
hold me tight.
When will he see
that this is right?
Hide my darkness -
no let it show.
As he says - we will
go with the flow.
Lizards tongues are sharp
and close.
Will I have any
Little stars explode
in my head.
Please - a chance -
It's 'NO' I dread.
We have something -
stronger than sparks
Light this darkness
with groves of fireworks.
My Heart

Turn me on
with just one look.
Make me wild
I'm already hooked.
The look of hurt -
present in your eyes.
I won't decieve you -
I have no disguise.
I swell up with happiness
when you are near.
I've cried happily -
I feel no fear.
You hold my heart
in this short time.
No one has ever made me
feel so fine.
You carry a tender gaze
in your brown eyes.
I am your first,
pure sunrise.
My head is filled with
'I love you's'.
Scaring him now
will never do.
My lips held tight -
I just can't today.
When the time is right -
I will know the way.
Your hand on my heart.
What a beautiful start.
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