I am not sure how to deal with this page.  So, my apologies, but for now it will remain blank.  Don't be discouraged, as I am not.  For I know that I will fill eventually, when the right words come to my finger tips, or soft lips.  My heart is in a spin right now, and my attempts at controlling it have been lost in creation.  I no longer wish to try to make much out of anything, I just want to live my life and go with the flow of what is around me.  Thus far, it seems to be working well, because when I look at my reflection in the mirror, I find myself smiling back at me.  When I wake in the morning, I find a warmth pass over me, like everything is just right, and only getting better.  I have found happiness, and it was within me the entire time, so I don't want to ruin that.  My life is mine, and I choose to live it the way I want, no one stands in my way.  If you want to be a part of what I have created for myself, don't watch from behind me, don't look over your shoulder from in front of me, walk beside me, and view the world from my point of view.  Trust me, it's beautiful here.  I have no regrets, why should you.
Enjoy my page, comment in my guestbook if you like. 
Smile at someone, even if they don't smile back where you can see it, they are smiling inside. 
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