The Feeling of You Inside of Me

That is the feeling inside of me right now.
Secretly wishing you were here, holding me tight.
I can almost taste your lips on mine,
But the feeling is only fantasy.
That night keeps playing itself over in my mind.
Craving your touch.
Needing your love.
Wanting you to come and rescue me, from this place.
The emptiness, inside of me, is slowly slipping away,
Slowly time fades away.
I see your arms extended;
Your voice, calling out my name, fills the air.
Wanting to rescue me, from that place.
Needing my touch.
Craving my love.
Your lips, pressed hard against mine,
Your body, protecting me from harm,
Reality has taken over.
The feeling of you inside of me is real now;
No more craving.
No more needing.
No more wanting.
It is real.
Together As One, Forever

His shy lips softly brush against mine.
Hands, so gently, caress my breasts.
Slowly exploring the curves of my body.
Using delicate touches of perfection.
Hungrily, yet cautiously, he and I become one.
We move together, slowly, in the perfect silken rhythm of music.
My body accepting his dance, with complete absorption.
His body of steel, protecting me from reality.
His warmth passes throughout my mind, body and soul.
With serene pleasure, his loving kisses released over my entire body, promise eternity.
Wed To One Eternity

You're love has dropped a smile on my face,
A rainbow of gold in my life,
And a soft sparkle in my eye.
There is an added skip in my walk,
And a note of happiness in my voice.
My laughter has returned,
And that smile will remain forever.
Your powerful touch of true love
Has captured my wandering heart.
My broken soul, you found lying in a gutter,
Was taken in your gentle hands,
Washed of its dirt, and sewn back together.
Your rich lips of silk kissed mine.
When the doors unlocked themselves,
You found yourself walking into my bruised and cut mind.
You silently loved me even more.
And the wounds healed.
A soft tear, ran down my cheek.
As I said: You saved my life, I love you.
My smile returned when you whispered,
We are wed to one eternity.
Please, Just Hold Me

Please, just hold me,
   Never let me go.
Kiss away my tears,
   Forever hold my soul.
Protect me from the evil,
   That haunts my heart so.
Please, just hold me,
   Never let me go.

Your embrace upon me,
   Promises eternity.
My fears escape through,
   My unlit eyes.
Only you can hear,
   My desperate cries.
Please, just hold me,
   Never let me go.
Angel of Purity

Bright eyes shine-
   Happiness gleaming.
Sweet and loving-
   Caring and true.
My eyes are open-
   Am I dreaming?
I yearn for a slight touch-
   From you.
True to his word-
   Makes everything right.
Sweet honest touch-
   Not stinging with lies.
Pure smiles are constant-
   I'm high as a kite.
No black cloaks-
   Or creature-like disguise.
This man is like
   A shooting star.
I make my wish-
   A wish for love.
His arms hold me tight-
   He won't go far.
An angel dropped to me,
   From heaven above.
My heart skips a beat-
   Whenever he's around.
Learn to love him-
   Something I long to do.
I'll never leave-
   This happiness I've found.
My heart cries with joy-
   Already I miss you.

It's your voice I long to hear.
It's your eyes I long to see.
It's your touch I long to feel.
It's all of this, nothing more, nothing less.
But there is one thing I must confess;
It's through your eyes, that I see your soul,
It's in your heart, I know you hold,
A treasure for me, better than gold.
It stretches farther than the bluest sky,
And deeper than the deepest sea.
It's pure love you hold for me.
It's like the love any King would give his Queen.
Only, yours is better.
It's smooth as silk, and as delicate as a dove's feather.
It's a love I take for granted, all too often.
But, it's in my heart where you always soften
All those sharp and vigorous edges.
It's in my hand where I hold the greatest and most honest part,
It's in my hand where I hold your heart.
It's you I'll be with until forever finds an end to its start.
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