News for 2-10-04: Today I added a flash game library to my site. I'm not sure how many games it has or what they consist of, but I thought it would be a nice addition to my site. Hope ya'll enjoy. That's all for today!

News for 1-15-04: Today I doubled my number of music video's. The site now carries over 50 different video's. I'm still trying to get games. Be ready for a slightly different look soon. I'm getting a program that will allow me to make cooler logo's etc. That's all for today!

News for 1-12-04: Today I added a music video page to the site. It's only got three video's so far, but I'll have tons more soon, so check back often. Other than the video's I got my first form of "hate mail" lol. It was over my Marion sucks article. Oh well, it's an opinions page. Therefore, not everyone is going to like my opinions. If everyone agreed we'd be living in one messed up world. Other than that big mess up there I haven't done anything. That's all for today!

News for 1-07-04: Today I added links to sites that find your Hobbit, or Elf name. Being a huge LOTR fan I thought it was pretty cool. Other than that, nothing major is going on. I'm working a flash intro... still looking for games... and trying to find a media player to add mpegs or mp3's. That's all for today!

News for 12-19-03: Today my site moves in a new direction. Originally this site was meant to be the homepage of me and Matts car club that never really got off the ground. Now it's just a site about me, my friends, etc. I recently added a new chat which is 1000 times better than the old one. Hopefully in the future I'll be adding java games and w/e else :P. That's all for today!

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