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Reviews of our Fresh Off The Press selected book
The Fresh Off The Press segment has been retired but feel free to send us any reviews you would like to give us, of any book. We will still post your review here and mention it on the show!
Past Reviews
See the review we read of The Confessional by JL Powers at Teens Read Too

Read the review we read of Hurt Go Happy by Ginny Rorby from The School Library Journal at

Emily's Review Of Book of a Thousand Days Review by Shannon Hale
genre: romance/adventure
Shannon Hale's Book of a Thousand Days is the diary of a young girl named Dashti, who is a lady's maid. The lady she serves was sentenced by her father to stay in a tower for seven years as punishment for refusing to marry the man to whom she is betrothed. Dashti loyally agrees to go with her. When the term has ended, the two discover the drastic changes that have occurred since the world closed to them. The tale was originally told by the Brothers Grimm, and Shannon Hale has masterfully spun it into a very satisfying, richly detailed story all of her own. Dashti is kind, resourceful, and witty; she makes for an interesting narrator. Her mistress, however isn't half so charming during their imprisonment in the tower. The contrast between the two characters was appealing to me because it made them seem more realistic. Shannon Hale uses impressive lyrical language and continues to draw many readers.
Lizzy's Review of Looking For Alaska by John Green
Unfortunately Lizzy's review was lost in cyberspace but be sure to check out The Noctua Podcast Episode 3: Dominic On A Dragon to hear it read!

Catie's review of Burned by Ellen Hopkins
I really enjoyed Burned and it is one of my favorite books. I really liked that it was written in a poetic style and how you really got to know the characters and see them change throughout the book. I really liked how the author really made you feel Pattyn's feelings throughout the story. Also one of my favorite things about it was the character of Pattyn's aunt and how she added to the story. On the other hand I disliked how slowly the story seemed to move at times, while at the end the climax happened and then BOOM there was no more book left to read. The ending itself is something I would have liked better if it was different. I really wish they would have lived happily ever after even if it was a little unrealistic; I'm an old softie at heart!
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