"Blood Generation 2007"

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About the Authors
Tammy Lynn and Hilary Rose met in middle school where they both attended Plainfield Central School. At the time, Hilary Rose stayed with her aunt and uncle right down the road from where Tammy Lynn lived. The two girls were fast friends and spent pretty much every day together after school just walking around the town and sharing their ideas of what their futures might hold. After Hilary Rose moved back in with her mother, she and Tammy Lynn spent every weekend and an entire summer vacation together. It wasn't until the girls went to separate high schools that they lost touch of eachother.

They met once again while working for The New London Day newspaper. Tammy Lynn held a job going door-to-door selling subscriptions, and Hilary Rose eventually got a job doing the same thing for the same exact team that Tammy was on. Their friendship rekindled, the girls were barely ever seen without one another. That is where their idea came for "Blood Generation."

Tammy Lynn and Hilary Rose shared an interest in the paranormal, and both enjoyed writing stories of the lives and adventures of beings from vampires to witches to spirits. They had started writing a series of short stories, where Tammy Lynn would write the first story and Hilary Rose would write the sequel to it. Then came "Blood Generation." Hilary Rose created a small webpage dedicated to the story and began it with the first chapter, "Helena's Arrival."

That was back in 2004.

Tammy Lynn was surfing the internet one day and stumbled upon the story. She contacted Hilary Rose and suggested that they start it back up. The story had to be finished. Luckilly, Hilary Rose agreed and now, in the year 2007, "Blood Generation" is being continued.
About Tammy Lynn About Hilary Rose
Tammy Lynn and Hilary Rose, December 2003
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