Words and Phrases Used  in the Appalachians During Rose's Time
Some of the words used in Appalachia during Rose's time are hardly ever heard anymore. Print this page out. Take a look at these expressions and write your best guesses about their meanings. Then go back to the web quest and click on the check sheet to see just how close you came to getting them! Then use them on your friends. Have fun!

EXPRESSIONS                                                  MY PREDICTIONS

a mess o' fish                                                  _____________________

dejected-like                                                   _____________________

reckon                                                            _____________________

ye                                                                 ______________________

lak                                                                 ______________________

git hitched                                                       ______________________

widow woman                                                _______________________

a-courtin'                                                        ______________________

a-brewin'                                                         ______________________

plumb near                                                      ______________________

purty                                                               ______________________

cat'log                                                              ______________________

sashayin'                                                           ______________________

shindig                                                               _____________________

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