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No Bullshit!
Too many magazines and celebrity journalists are walking arm-in-arm these days. Having the job of a hollywood publicist means you control the image of one of the most expensive pawns on two legs and you also have a direct line to the ear of all the big celebrity columnists. We all know that it's the publicists who make, break, or provide the correct damage control for a star's career.

N.O.B.S. lets you, the people, have your say and get to the heart of the real stories underlying most celebrity gossip. Now you the people on the outside can speak your mind and believe us when we say that once you do celebrities will listen. You control the success of their careers with you cd purchases, ticket sales, and fan clubs...so it's time you get the real story. Put down those glossy magazines because they're only telling you what the stars want you to know...not what you SHOULD know.

Welcome to the new No Bullshit Hollywood Review! Re-Launching Soon!
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