
watching but unable to
help them.
i know what is meant for
i can sense the menace in
the air.
sweat beads rolling down my
fear enveloping me.
his smile is that of peril,

do not be mistaken, when this
night is over,
you will be alone.

my body is overcome with the
i can�t escape yet i can�t
close my eyes,
left vulnerable and in fear.
my stomach is turning,
my hands race to catch my
vomit but alas to late.

you cannot run,
you cannot hide.
death comes for us
and we all must watch.

standing in my own vomit,
i now watch the people closest
to me die.
he starts with the ones i love
its seems to last forever,
watching him drain them of
life right down to the last drop
of blood.

he leaves me covered in their
holding them in my arms
and crying.
I reach to wipe the tears away,
tears of blood
or was it theirs.

I�ll be seeing you soon�

i slouch against the wall,
pinching myself.
its just a nightmare.
but if it�s a nightmare,
when will i wake up,
and why do i feel pain?

Written by John Lane Schultz
February 7, 2002
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