It is possible to realize a means of communication among people of different nationality, which will enable their exchange of opinions and experiences.

The magazine itself will serve as a promoter of debates and comparisions on topics of international significance, or any how of a certain weight.

We want to give some examples before explaining the organ-ization of our work and the structure of the review.

A first series of proposals for debates wich our foreign "correspondents" will be requested to take part in will concern the following subjects:

1) The crisis of human relationships, the difficulties in socializing, the implications bringing about a misleading solidarity, the violence so diffused in our society, specially in the developed countries.

2) Frontiers, customs and iron curtains in the 21th century and the voyages to Mars...

3) Comment upon the following passage extracted from the "Traité de savoir-vivre..." by R.Vaneigem:

"We have to manage our surviving as it is wear; we have to live it little, as it is to the death.

Once we died in the death made life, in God. Today the respect for the life prevent us from touching it , waking it up, and rousing it from its torpor.

We die because of idleness, when the amount of death we carry inside us gets to the saturation point*."

( It is not necessary to know R.Vaneigem’s work; the simple understanding of these statements will be enough as object of debate).

[email protected]

There will also be room left to the review of news and events, together with photographs (*.jpg), coming from the different countries we are in thouch with (eventual ecological disasters, social discrepances deserving particular attention, initiatives and so on).

These will be the topics to wich we will draw the attention of those who would like to contribute to the first issue of the review. In the following issues, starting starting from the first one, there will be an index of subjects suggested by those people who will have cooperated, also from other countries, to the first edition of the review


At beginning Turin, being the seat of the most organized group, will be the reference-point where the review will be edited and all the documentation gathered.

Nevertheles we hold in due consideration also the possibility that in the future the reference-point could be transferred elsewhere in Italy or abroad.

The correspondents who want to co-operate and who will send their interventions (Preferibly in English) via internet e-mail.



For now, we are going to pubblish the second issue written in one language: English, may induce to consider the initiative too small, insignificant and useless to bear fruit.

Yet, if we bear in mind that the virtual magazine, far from being an attempt to throw the review on the market (it will be world!), tries to connect people from different countries, who would like to compare themselves on various topics and problems, no matter the distance, then the initiative assumes a particular significance.

If, moreover, the review is enriched, besides the topics suggested by our co-operators, with revisions on events of a certain weight, which may be unknown in some countries owing to the cultural filters commanded by the "ideology of frontiers and customs", then we could say to be able to provide a service independent either of politicians, or any "corporation" aiming to do business on people.

At this point we think it right to guarantee in some way for our purposes:

We are NOT backed up by any party or political movement, either istitutional or not:

We DID NOT WANT to be supported by any society or financial group so as to avoid economic blackmails or any other interference which may have negative effects on our work.

As group of promoters in Italy, we will also attend to other initiatives, always following our own independent way. All our projects are not born to beg contributions of public bodies (besides this is a prerogative left to the very few... that anyway requires a long time!). We will accept or ask for fiscal facilities only when they belong us by right.

If ever words have a meaning and reach the heart of those who listen to us, this makes us happy because we think that everybody feels the need (that must not be repressed!) to come out of his shell, which our society makes thicker brutalizing the relations with our fellows and preventing the individual to reveal himself as he is (for those who believe in the theories of the genuine "Ego"...),

or as he could be (for those who want a more rational and less idealistic solution!).

We are very much looking forward your material, hoping for a profitable exchange of collaborations.

besides the topics suggested by our co-operators, with revisions on events of a certain weight, which may be unknown in some countries owing to the cultural filters commanded by the "ideology of frontiers and customs", then we could say to be able to provide a service independent either of politicians.

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