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prices include postage

CD - $7

"Cartoons and Comic Books"
track listing

Comp - $10

"Main Man - A Tribute to DeeDee Ramone"
From AMP Records, includes songs from bands from all over the world.

Christmas Comps - $5

"This Must be the Worst Christmas Album...I've Ever Fuckin Heard!"
Bands from New England doing their versions of Christmas Songs.
track listing

"This Must be the Worst Christmas Album...I've Ever Fuckin Heard!" Vol. 2
Nobody told them not to, so they did it again.
track listing

T-Shirts - $7

design #1

Red and Yellow design on a Blue T-Shirt
Sizes - MED* - LG - XL - XXL*

design #2

Black and Red design on a White T-Shirt
Sizes - MED* - LG - XL - XXL*

White design on a Black T-Shirt
Actual design is straight on shirt
Black and Red design on a White T-Shirt
Sizes - MED - LG - XL - XXL

Girly T-Shirts - $10

White design on a Black Girly T-Shirt
Actual design is straight on shirt
Sizes - SM - MED - LG* - XL

Same design on a Black Girls Tank Top
Sizes - SM - MED - L - XL


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