10-39 Battlegrounds 101

PvP Setup and Review
General Informaiton:

  This guide is meant to provide useful information in a consise format.  Some of this information is specific to 10-39, so use your judgement if you are doing 60s, etc.


               You only have 2 minutes, make them count.
               Buff everone as quickly as possible.
               Make a game-wide raid. (if you block /1 make sure to say it in raid chat)
               Recover mana and health.
               Make sure an opening strategy is called.
               Use the heads-up map: shift + left click on the pvp bubble on the minimap.
During Game:
               Communicate if you can.
               Try to get a listing of your opponents and see if you can spot patterns.
               Left click on the pvp button to periodically check on the team rosters.
               Do not /afk, do not go in any swirly doors, you will be labeled deserter.

               Queue back up.  Do not expect the raid/group leader to requeue you.
               Leaders should not requeue groups.  Doing so leads to unbalanced games.
               If you get stuck in the battlefield, left click the pvp button, try leave again.
               Decompressing with your gaming group is essential for teambuilding.
Warsong Gulch Arathi Basin
Gain posession of the enemy flag, and return it to your flag stand.  But you must have your flag on the stand too, in order to "capture" the enemy flag.  First to 3 captures wins.  Possesion is changed instantly by right-clicking on uncontrolled flags.

Layout and Terms:
There are 2 bases with 3 exits and 3 levels.  One is for alliance, the other for horde, and each has a graveyard for its side.
  You start on the first level, in your flag room.  If you go out the right side door and out to the right you go over the graveyard.  This is the "GY Side".  If you go out the right door, and up the inside ramp you are on the second floor.  If you go out the right door, exit your base, and then make a hard left, you are going to the "Ramp Side" or the "Spiral".  If you go out of your start room by the left exit, you are using the tunnel.  Inside the tunnel there is an exit to the left that takes you to the 3rd floor, or the roof.
  FC = Flag Carrier
  FR = Flag Room
  GY = Graveyard


  Never leave your flag room unguarded if your flag is in it.  2 defenders is plenty.
  Much like chess, if you control the enemy flag, you can force moves.
  You don't have to try to immediately move the enemy flag once you posess it.
  You should make a target macro for the enemy flag carrier and use it.
  If you know you will die, do your best to run toward an obscure part of the map, it will break up the opponents.
  Hiding doesn't work against a skilled opponent.  Tactically superior positioning is better, like the roof or the graveyard.
  Be sure to call for "help - flagroom" if you are fighting people in your own flagroom.
Control bases to collect resources, first to 2000 resources wins.  Bases are controlled in a 2-step process.  First an assault is made, 1 minute later the base changes hands.  During that minute it does not produce resources for either side, but may be "defended" to regain immediate control by the enemy.  Assaults and defenses take 10 seconds, and must not be interrupted.  It is far more effective to disrupt assaults and defenses than to try to beat your attacker, especially if you are a rogue.

Layout and Terms:
  There are 5 bases and 2 starting areas.  The starting areas have a graveyard that is used if the associated team controls no other bases.
  Each base has a graveyard and a flag.  You rez at the closest one when you die.
  GY = The graveyard at the starting area.
  Stables = the base near the alliance start area.
  Mill, LM = Lumbermill, the hill base.
  BS = Blacksmith, the center base.
  Mine = Gold Mine, the base down off the side.
  Farm = the base near the horde starting area.

If you control all 5 bases, you will win in less than 90 seconds.
  Hiding is really important in this battleground.  Sometimes you can hide and regain control of a base 10 seconds after 10 people leave, if you're hidden.
  Interrupting assaults and defenses is more important that killing opponents.
  No base that you control should ever have zero defensee.
  You can rez multiple times when defending a base, so don't worry about intercepting assault squads.
  You should always be testing all enemy bases with at least 1 person each.
  The farm, lumbermill, and blacksmith are the best 3 bases to defend.
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