Crystals with Special Properties

       In addition to general characteristics, some quartz crystals have other special attributes that enhance their power. To identify these, look at the largest of the faces that slope toward the point. Does it have pyramids (triangles), a small diamond shape window on it? The number of edges surrounding the face is one of the things that determines the special characteristics. Most are relatively rare, and they should be highly treasured when one of them reveals themself to you.

[A link for detailed information on the "number of angles on one or faces of the crystal and their particular attirbutes" is on my home page under "Crystal Resources"].


Channeling Crystals
Clear Quartz Crystals
Double Terminated Crystals
Generator Crystals
Tabular Crystals
Record Keepers
Teacher Crystals
Rainbow Crystals
Laser Wands
Programmed Projectors
Phantom Crystals
Transmitter Crystals
Window Crystals

The information on these crystals come from the book, Crystal Healing,
written by Katrina Raphaell.  I have two of her books listed on my home page.
I have posted a quick overview below.


Channeling Crystals--(also see Transmitter Crystals) Channeling Crystals have seven sides to their face. It is a tool in personal meditation practices to gain inner clarity and channel the light of wisdom into the mind and into daily affairs. They can be used when specific answers are needed or you want to gain information on a particular matter. They are great partners to work with to retrieve record keeper information.  In a group the intentional mental linking allows for the group to unite their minds at the same source to perceive desired information by the use of a channeling crystal. The intention of Channeling Crystals is to teach personal empowerment by enabling one to channel all the different facets and all of the various rays that exist within each person.

Clear Quartz Crystals--clear quartz can be used for all purposes as it vibrates the clear white light which contains all other colors.  The earth's most common mineral compounds is silicon dioxide as is the human body, as is with water.  Interesting?  Quartz represent the sum total of material plane evolution.  The six sides of the quartz symbolize the six chakras with the termination being the crown; which connects one with the infinite.  Their growth pattern is similar to our own spiritual grow: cloudy at the beginning and clears as it reaches the crown.  The quartz demonstrates how to manifest the clarity and purity of white light into denser and lower frequencies.  This ability to be multi-colorful can teach us how to vibrate all of our seven chakra centers simultaneously while maintaining perfect alignment with the light.  This is the ultimate challenge of being in a physical form; to fully utilize all creative centers while consciously expressing the multi-faceted use of light.  Using quartz vibrates the aura at such a high frequency that darker tones of karmic seeds can be dissolved and released; then returning that energy to its source to create higher vibrations and brighter colors to be recirculated into the aura.  This type of deep soul healing can strengthen the inner depths of one's being and build a strong foundation on which to stand and live.

Generator Crystals--are clear quartz crystals that can be used to channel and ground pure healing energy.  Six natural facets join sharply together to form the terminated apex.  Single generator crystals can teach us how to concentrate, focus, and magnify our own healing energy.  They are generators of cosmic force.  their perfected geometric form allows for the focus and proper distribution of this energy into the lives of the people working with them and receiving their healing energy. Generators also intensify and direct the healer's energy as it is channeled through the cyrstals.  They are ideal to use in meditation or crystal healing; direct the flow of energy from one chakra to the next.  They can be held directly above the chakra points to purify and recharge the energy centers.  Single terminated Amethyst, Citrine or Smoky Quartz are also Generator Crystals if they have the six equal points.  They will channel their particular ray of light.  Generator crystals amplify your energy and thought pattern up to 1,000 times.  Be pure.

Clusters--are formations of single terminated crystals that share a common base.  These clusters gather negative energy and replace it with white light creating harmony and peace.  They purify and recharge healing stones.  They are very useful for laying pictures of friends and family upon them for continual light beaming.

Double Terminated Crystals--when the six faces of quartz join together to form a point, a terminated crystal is born.  When both ends of a crystal join in this fashion, double termination is created.  These specialized crystals have the capacity to draw in as well as emanate out energy from either end.  By uniting the energies together in the central body of the crystal, a double terminated crystal can then project that unified essence out from both ends.  They have polarity and cleanse themselves.  They can be used in advanced telepathic practices.  By holding in each hand a double terminated crystal for even five minutes, it will calm and relax one into a state of greater mental and emotional stability.  They can be laid upon a chakra to create an energy vortex that will clear and dissolve any stagnant or unuseful energy.  They can break up stuborn mental blockages which create addictive behaviors and unhealthy attitudes.  As these old programs are erased, it is then possible to consciously recreate a positive perspective on the world and on one's life.  They are ideal to place between two chakras to bring into balance and unit the two and open the flow of energy as it must rise from the root to the crown for our evolution.

Tabular Crystals--the tabby is a very high vibration crystal, rarely recognized for the power that is instilled within it.  They have a different energy frequency than any other quartz configuration.  They are flat with two of the opposing sides being larger and wider; often they are double terminated.  Tabbies serve as a bridge or connecting link between any two points.  Their power lies in their ability to transmit from one side to the other while maintaining a perfect balance.  Tabbies are a connecting communicator that will always strive to equalize energies by uniting the poles with a common base.  Tabbies as a healing source on a mental level that will allow the link between the soul force and the personality to take place to establish communication with one's higher self.

Record Keepers--The record keeper is one of the most sacred crystals that could ever be worked with. When properly attuned to, they can reveal ancient knowledge and profound secrets of the Universe. These crystals have been consciously and purposely programmed by either the oversoul beings who created the vibrational frequencies that would allow human life to evolve on earth, or by their direct lineage--the Atlantians and the Lemurians. These were the pure races that first inhabited our earth. Who knows who inhabited the earth before Noah's lineage. How many times has the earth been re-established? We came after the global disaster of the FLOOD.  The purpose of accessing information from Record Keeper Crystals is two-fold: first, to satisfy the thirst that each sould has for the truth and for knowledge concerning the origin of the human race and the origin of the human soul; secondly, as individuals come to know their source, planetary humanitarian goals can be met as each person becomes a healing agent to the earth! Only the pure in heart can attune their consciousness to receive the libraries of wisdom contained within. Souls of high vibration are now given the opportunity to seek this eternal knowledge and engrain it into their beings. It is not information to be given freely, it is rather an enhancement to one's own light, a deeper access to personal wisdom and greater peace to be used in your world.  It is not a healing energy.  IT IS WISDOM!  To identify a record keeper, look for one or more triangles on one of the faces.

Teacher Crystals--are unique unto themselves.  They can be double terminated tabular clusters or large generators.  They can be any combination or variety of form.  You will know them by their presence and authority.  These crystals are for certain people and they will know who they are when they are around.  Teacher crystals are a most precious gift, whose final lessons are detachment and sharing.

Rainbow Crystal--

Laser Wands--within these crystals lie the secret of laser ray projection.  Within them carry the knowledge not only of the ancient root civilizations but of the stellar spaces from which they originated.  these crystals have a profound and intimate relationship with both outer space and the depths of inner earth.  They serve to create a bridge between the worlds.  Tabular form represents the integration, balancing, and linking together of dimensions, polarities or frequencies.  Laser wands are long, slender cyrstals with small faces comprising the termination.  The resemble fingers.  Laser wands often have etching or markings on them unlike any on other types of crystals.  The writing on these crystals resembles hieroglyphics that entice one into deciphering the symbols that are obviously presented.  These crystals, that were once used in the healing temples of Lemuria, recorded their own experiences as they gathered knowledge on the human condition and how to heal it.  Through personal meditation and attunement with etched Laser Wands one can virtually be educated in the advanced healing arts that were practiced by the Lemurians.  The broken crooked angles are the main distinguishing marks of Laser Wands.  The angles are unique in that they are curved and yet still contain a direct unbroken frequency of energy.  their form appears imperfect, yet they are pure in their essence, energy, and projection.  Laser wands are used to create energy force fields or protective shields around people or places. Laser wands are used for auric surgery.  They can cut the emotional cords of jealousy, insecurity, anger, sorrow or guilt; breaking attachments toward people or things. One must always use other stones with the laser wand in surgery to replace love energy.

Programmed Projectors--

Phantom Crystals--

Transmitter Crystals--they too are known by the geometry of their faces.  they too manifest the seven:three ration (as does the channeling crystal).  In Transmitter Crystals a perfect triangle is in the center of the crystal connected by two symmetrical seven-sided faces on both sides of the triangle.The seven represents the ability to control the physical senses and desires in order to realize the truth with the superconscious mind.  Seven is the God-realized self, and the three brings that through the individual consciousness to be personally expressed and manifested.  The numerological combination of 7-3-7 symbolically indicates personal empowerment and manifestation (3) held in balance by the pair of sevens which directly connects to the superconsciousness. The triangle is the connecting point, the bridge between personal and universal identification and represent unity. The seven-sided faces embody the virtures of God-enlightened beings which, again, are: love, knowledge, freedom, manifestation, joy, peace, and unity.
Their use by your intent one can attain cosmic truth.  The first lesson that transmitter crystals teach is the art of refining one's communication with the universe.  One must learn to be precise.

*** Transmitter Crystals and Channeling Crystals are polarities.  The transmitter crystal is the male, the yang, the projector and the assertive.  The channeling crystal is female, yin, and the receptor.  Yet each of these crystals unto themselves are balanced polarities. Transmitter crystals project out thought forms, yet also have the ability to receive, hold, and retain information.  The channeling crystals guide the awareness within to perceive the truth, yet are also capable of projecting it out through the voice in order for wisdom to be clearly received.  Each of these Master Crystals are great teachers in the art of communication. They exemplify mental clarity, conscious focus, and projection while simultaneously manifesting receptivity and perception with the universe.

Window Crystals--these are recognized by a large diamond-shaped window in the center of a crystal face not on a side.  The window actually becomes the seventh face with the four points of the diamond intersecting with the other main angles of the crystal.  The top point of the diamond connects with the line leading directly up to the termination, the side points connect with angels forming opposing faces, and the bottom point leads to the termination running down to the base of the crystal.  The window should be large and clear in order to see into the inner world of the crystal.  Window crystals are like open windows into the realm of the soul through which one can see beyond illusionary identities and into the essence of the Self.  They will reflect the soul, and in doing so often mirror the darker shadows of fear and insecurity that inhibit the soul's expression of light.  They are very personal crystals and grow in power the more they are used. They reflect!


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