Polarity Therapy
Manetic Therapy
"Energy Healing"
The "Laying on of Hands"
"Biofield Therapeutics"

    It doesn't matter which you wish to call it, it is one of the oldest forms of healing known to humankind.  Discovery, partial characterization, and use of the biofield have risen independently among peoples and cultures in every sector of the world.

    Historically, beliefs about causation in this type of healing have clustered around two views that remain active today.  The first is the the "healing force' comes from a source other than the practitioner, such as God, the cosmos, or another supernatural entity.  The second is that a human biofield, directed, modified, or amplified in some fashion by the practitioner, is the operative mechanism (magnetics, accupressure, accupunture, electrical stimulis).  Some of the terms presented are devoid of religious or spiritual overtones, while others carry religious aspects common to the culture in which they were or are used.
    In my studies, the laying on of hands is a belief system; the biofield therapeutics is science and one must have a knowledge of the polarity system of the body; theraputic touch is facilitating ones own energy field; energy healing (i.e. Reiki, etc.) comes from a source other than oneself, but without attached to any one culture or religion.

    The Reiki Energy is such.  It comes from the Central Spirit of Creation and one must be attuned to facilitate the energy.  Similar to laying on of hands, which is a teaching of Christ, energy that comes from God, like Reiki but one does not need to be attuned, only have faith in Christ's words.

    Therapeutic application of the biofield is a process during which the practitioner places his or her hands either directly on or very near the physical body of the person being treated.  In so doing, the practitioner engages the perceived biofield from his or her hands with the recipient's perceived biofiled either to promote general health or to treat a specific dysfunction.  The person being treated, who is usually clothed, reclines in some forms of the process but is seated in others.  the process is not instantaneous as it is in "faith healing." (Faith is not a factor in the biofield process, if you choose to go with science and human thinking.  Otherwise, faith manifests those things desired by spiritual intent - our true nature. Noah).  Treatment sessions is often needed to complete treatment of some dis-orders=dis-ease.

    The ability to perform biofield healing appears to be universal, although most people seem unaware of possessing the talent.  As with any innate talent, practice and learning appropriate techniques improve results.

    There is consensus among practitioners that the biofield that permeates the physical body also estends outward from the body for several inches. (Aura).  Therefore, no real difference is seen between placing the hands directly on the body or in close proximity to the body.  The practitioner's biofield is understood to come into confluence with the recipient's biofield.  There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach in the clinical applications. Extension of the external portion of the biofield is considered variable and dependent on the person's emotional state and state of health.  Practitioners describe the external portion (aura) as tactiley detectable and less dense than the portion permeating the physical body.  Biofied practitioners have a holistic focus, for most treatment sessions produce results that encompass more than one aspect of the person's health.  Within that focus there is a range of therapeutic intents:

    Some practitioners incorporate mental healing; or focused intent to heal, as part of their biofield treatments.  This is also called psychic healing, distant healing, nonlocal healing, and absent healing.  Mental healing can also be performed by itself at a considerable distance from the recipient.  It is an active process on the practitioner's part, involving centered, focused concentration; it may include various imagery techniques as well.  A related mind effect sometimes used in biofield healing is described as the practitioner, by effort of will, extending the biofield (principally from the hands) into the recipient's body with increased force, sometimes from a distance of several feet.  Chinese qigong masters are considered especially adept at this.  The process appears to be draining, for they are using their own energy.  China leads the rest of the world in research on therapeutic application and methods of increasing biofield effects.  Departments of medical qigong research exist in every college of traditional Chinese medicine in China.

    No generally accepted theory accounts for the phenomena of biofields.  In many cases, the view of the biofield is not a clearly defined one; it often mixes concepts of physics and metaphysics, or ancient and modern wisdoms.  The current major hypotheses are that the biofield is

    There are three metaphysical approaches:     Repatterning of resonant vibratory fields.  Going further, Quinn and nurse-theorist Rogers state that current assumptions about Therapeutic Touch, which remain "untested" and "untestable," [are that] people are energy fields.  We are not saying that people have energy fields in addition to what they are...[instead they are] open systems engaged in continuous interaction with the environment energy field.  [Therefore] when a person is sick there is an imbalance in the person's energy field, and when a person uses his or her "intent" to help or heal a person, the energy field of the person may repattern towards greater wellness...the Therapeutic Touch practitioner knowingly participates in..."a healing meditation," facilitates repatterning of the recipient's energy field through a process of resonance, rather than "energy exchange or transfer" (Quinn, 1993).

In the beginning was the Word,
the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Without the Word nothing could be made.
The Word surrounds all things, penetrates all things, and
binds all things together.
The Word is the Holy Spirit (energy)
Jesus is the Word,
He is God's intent (spoken word if you will) made flesh.

We are spirit, we came from Spirit and we will return to Spirit.
We are to think like a spirit with unlimited power,
not as a human with its limited mind.
This is Christ's teachings.  Is it not?



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