
ReiKi attunements are traditionally facilitated in levels...however, I will attune according to the persons spiritual vibration.

ReiKi One  is 'the opening' of the Crown Chakra to connect to Spirit and allow the light rays to enter you.  Their is communion and clearing of negative energy at this time and it continues to help you grow in Spirit.

ReiKi Two opens the third eye chakra and the throat chakra (chakra of will and choices).  The chakra of empowerment and realm of clairvoyance and clairaudience.

ReiKi Three opens the chakras in the wells of the hands whereby the energy is facilitated to another.  These three attunements are the "Practitioner" level of ReiKi.  There are 4 symbols given.

ReiKi Master consists of additional attunements to allow the facilitator to attune another...You are open to the Spirit realm for assistance.  There are 2 more symbols given that enable you to connect with your guides and the master symbol for attuning others.

Karuna ReiKi Practitioner One: Karuna is a higher vibration of energy that surrounds you and is used to heal the Spirit Body.  There are 4 symbols given.

Karuna ReiKi Practitioner Two: Additional symbols to access the spirit realm on greater levels.
There are 4 additional symbols given.

Karuna ReiKi Master Level: This level enables you to pass on the gift.  You are guided by other ReiKi Guides and in touch with your Spirit Group and Others for their assistance.  There are 3 additional master symbols given.

Tera Mai attunement: additional symbols to ReiKi or Karuna ReiKi attunement.
Additional Symbols: must have either ReiKi, Tera Mai, or Karuna attunement.
Red Hawk Medicine:  opens one to the Spirit Realm, your guides, angels, devas, & faries.

ReiKi One enlightens you and raises the vibration of Mother Earth.
ReiKi Two is a gift to yourself for enlightenment.
ReiKi Three is your gift to others on their journey to enlightenment.
   Reiki I, II, III  ($800)
ReiKi Master is passing on the gift of light. ($200)
Master Reiki Enhancement ($200)

Karuna ReiKi Practitioner I ($400)
   Must have ReiKi Master --building blocks..4 Karuna symbols given<
Karuna ReiKi Practitioner II ($400)
    Must have Karuna ReiKi I ...additional 4 Karuna symbols given
Karuna ReiKi Master (500)
    There are 4 Master symbols given


Sessions for facilitation of energy for the purpose of balancing the energy systems and remove negative energy, karma, letting go, child work, Past, Present, Future. 'Paving the way' sort of speak are not limited to ReiKi energy alone,  I have available the tolls of Crystals and Gemstones, Sound Therapy, Magnetic Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Reflexology, and Acupressure.

The sessions last as long as needed at that time... usually several visits are necessary to achieve ones goals.

Sessions run $35.00 a visit... the time is flexible (1,2 & 3 hours, depending on my guidance).  My purpose is to help others bring in their light!

Additional Attunements of Knowledge:

Crystal and Gemstone Attunement:  Knowledge of crystals and gemstones are passed on by accessing the 'Records' in the Spirit realm.
    Crystals and Gemstone Enhancement Attunement ($200)

Medicine Card Attunement:  Opens you to your guides for communication in this area. Knowledge of Mother Earth and her spirit helpers... animal totems and insight into Mother...the purpose is to help Mother raise her vibration.
     Red Hawk Medicine Attunement ($200)

Tarot Card Attunement: opens you to your guides for readings.
    Tarot Card Attunement ($200)

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