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Noah Preciation focuses on the fun loving', girl crushing, video game playing, accordion playing, comic book loving, pizza cooking, cartoonist goofball named Noah who is always inoled in wacky situations in the urban town of Acapellaville, a city in the town of Onion Falls "home of the onions". Day after day, Noah suffers from his psychotic girlfriend, working for a nutty inventor, getting a part-time gig as an entertainer for his money gurbbing aphid agent, and being stuck with a smooth-talking gangster girl, a hard-headed tough as nails girl and a gothic chick with a love of spook. Then, he and his buddies hang out and play video games.

Behold Noah and the rest of the bunch.

All material ©2001 Luis A. Candel unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. You may download images for your viewing pleasure, but don't use them on your site or in print without permission from Luis A. Candel