So you want to know what goes on inside my head.  Join the club.  Here is the best I can give you .  This is how my mind is when I turn off the TV and try to go to sleep at night.  So anyways one night I decided I was going to write everything I was thinking when I thought it because I couldn't write no cool songs that night.  Ha stupid Mr. Pickett spelled Oh Holy Night, Oh Holy Nite like Mrs. Nite or Ms. Nite or Miss Nite.  This is just a litte of what to expect.  But anyways this is a re-enactement because the original was writing on paper with a pen and I refer to my pen and paper later.  If you read the whole thing you also get a reward so you might want to do that.  Anyways get to reading.
Writings are bullshit, unless the someone who reads it understands.  Shakespeare is bullshit, I don't understand.
It's to poetic for anyone to catch a glimpse of any shit he means is it really poetic or is it just crap that is told to mean some shit.  Does anyone really care, will someone read this and feell the same way.  Will they noticed I mispelled feell, again.  It's weird how you can write what you think but you can't think what you write or how you can write while you think but not think while you write.  I don't care about the news or any new technology but I never miss new shit on MTV or a cool ass CD.  Al Qaeda is crap, feelings suck, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera who's the bigger slut.  This is how my brain works, I don't know what I was first talking about.  My brain is just rambled with run on sentences, some making sense others not, but when I do say something that makes sense it is genius, is that the correct spelling?  When I say something that doesnt people will just not understand what I'm understanding and that is genius, movies are too long, too dumb, or too overhyped.  Movies suck, TV sucks, CDs suck, the radio sucks but yet I still watch and listen to all of them.  I hate to read.  If I was someone reading this by the time I got to this line, I would be pissed off or bored out of my mind that I wouldnt even catch they were talking out of first person, or third, or omniscient, I don't know because I never payed attention in sixth grade English,  English that sucked.  I can't believe how much bullshit I have written.  This is like my mind when I'm trying to go to sleep.  No wonder it takes me 2 hours to go to sleep.  Thinking of how that movie sucked then get sexual fantasies onto some other shit onto some other shit.  I wonder how much shit you think in a day.  I wonder if anyone thinks like I do.  Damn that guy from Cheech and Chong just said pussy like twenty times in thirty seconds on From Dusk till Dawn.  I wonder when Salma Hayek is going to strip.  The music she strips to is the same music, damn he's saying pussy again, she has sex in on, whats that movie called... Desperado maybe.  Girls wonder why guys masterbate so much.  Well to tell you the truth it's because girls are so hot.  Also if we didn't we would be walking around with bonners all the time.  I got where I couldn't think now I wrote and thought this much shit before my mind went blank.  There should be an award for anyone who reads to this point.  I wonder if this is funny or boring.  People say I'm funny but I think I'm not.  Why do pens run out of ink.  I wrote pens and it looked like penis to me.  I remembered I used to spell penis, penus.  DAMN PEN.  Our brain is like this pen it runs out of ink then comes back with ink like all my thoughts.  I should call this bullshit my thoughts.  Make it a book, make some money, I don't care.  My arm hurts cause I used to play tennis.  Fucking pen I've wrote this much before my arm hurted, hurted is not a word.  Now I keep on running out of thoughts.  Is this when I start to fall asleep?  How come I don't talk to people?  How come people are stupid?  How come they can cure Polio but can't make a pen who's ink doesn't run out?  Salma Hayek is stripping now.  She has a snake on her like Britney Spears did.  In Pure Country a guy say's "right cheer" like all the rappers just started doing.  Fuck this pen I should get a new one.  I wonder when I will?  I'll probably write a hella lot more before I say I just got a new pen then that one will run out of ink.  It's a good thing I'm not typing otherwise it would be neater and legible and my arm wouldn't hurt.(production note the sarcasm here was not sarcastic because this typing bullshit was boring)  Salma Hayek just licked her leg.  Is that how you spell lick.  It looks like... like.  Why are there all these ladybugs?  I can count like 52 just by looking up at our ceiling right now.  Why do they make your hand smell when you touch them?  I wish I had seen Nicole Kidman naked in Cold Mountain.  I watched 2 hours of it, I thought there was a ladybug on my leg, and missed when she had sex cause I was sleeping thats bullshit.  Does bullshit make shit funnier.  I think cusing is funny.  Thats why South Park is funny.  How come when you write on paper without lines we don't write straight?  It's funny that in the 2002 graduation video they play the Girls Gone Wild theme song.  Fucking pen now theres too much ink.  If anyone has read this much shit I will give you a quarter for being so fucking cool.  If, got a new pen as you can tell from the differnt ink,(it was blue for all you reading out there) what the fuck was I going to say, New pen again.(it was a black rollerpen for all you still reading out there) New pen again.  Brains are bullshit.  This is my brain and what it has thought since I have been trying to go to sleep.  Salma Hayek said dogshit.  Salma Hayek just died.  First pen here again (you know the first pen I was using because all the other pens I got really sucked worse than the original)  Oh shit this is the stupidest fucking shit ever if this is genius then I am a genius.  If this is dumb then I am dumb.  If you read this much you are dumb so don't call me dumb.  If I was told to read this I would laught in their face.  I mispelled laugh but I do not give a shit because my brain does not spell my hand does.  Fuck shit is fuck funny.  Was that alliteration?  This must be poetry.  I am a poet this is poetic.  I am not funny.  I did not have sexual relations with that women.  I want to sleep with Trish Stratus.  I need to sleep.  I need to get famous so I can be lazy but will find out it's the exact opposite.  What should this shit be called?  Did I mention I switched to the first pen.  I don't know how to end this because it is suppose to be like me thinking.  How do you stop thinking?  Maybe the next time I blank out I will stop which would of been there but I wrote this shit. shit shit.  Damn I wrote a lot of shit just think a queit person, how do you spell queit?, thinks all this shit while they are being queit.  Next time I'm queit I am going to go off with all this shit in my head.  Why do I keep on spelling queit if I don't know how to spell it?  Spelling sucks.  So do big words.  I'm sorry I'm not gonna write what I was just thinking.  All this shit is fast writing when will it fucking end.  I'm running out of room.  I wonder if I"m running out of paper.(it was the end of that piece of paper)  Nope.  I have ink on my fingers this should be a book.  I wonder how many words I wrote.  Damn wasn't I trying to go to sleep.  Why do people snore?  Vampires suck.  I don't really like Taco Bell but I go there a lot so I am not a hypocrite.  The only reason I know what that means is because of Cruel Intentions.  Movies rule I said they suck but they rule.  I wonder how long it takes to read this shit?  I should read this tomorrow and see that it sucks and never read it again or throw it the fuck away.  Had to throw in fuck cause I was going corny.  My hand is numb and this is shit.  I fell like I should rhyme while I'm writing all this shit thats the only time I write.  School sucks.  Dropout.  My hand is cramping.  The ink hasn't ran out for a long time if you recd (I don't know what this word is either) OWE  Fuck I can't write no more but I can still think for two more fucking hours.  Sorry I waisted your whole 45 minutes while you read this shit.  It probably takes 5 to read it all that would be funny.  I'm going to learn shit about dreams and write a movie or book about it.  Girls have boobies.  Boobies are cool.  I am not cool.  I am not funny. 
"Why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near."  Gay ass song stuck in my head (Now hopefully it's stuck in yours).  I wonder what time it is? 2:47 AM  How come I'm not asleep yet?
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