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A Becka
Blended School
What is the Blended School? Blended School, Okaloosa County offers a "third choice" beyond just homeschooling or government schools to its families.  The Blended School partners with home educatros to provide unique educational experiences for their children.
     The Blended School is an Okaloosa County public shool serving students in kindergarten through grade eight.  Students attend Blended School classes one or two days-per-week and are schooled at home the remaining time.  Students receive progress reports and documentation of the Blended School meeting their Science education requirements for the school year.  Students are transported by their families to one of several Blended School sites.  These sites are located throughout Northwest Florida in order to meet the geographical needs of homeschooling families.  Students bring their own lunches and enjoy socialization opportunities with other home educated students. 
Click here for more info on Blended School.
Charolette Mason
Charlotte Mason believed children should be educated through a wide curriculum using a variety of real, living books. "Twaddle" and "living books" are terms coined by Mason. "Twaddle" refers to dumbed-down literature; absence of meaning. "Living books" refers to books that are well written and engaging-they absorb the reader-the narrative and characters "come alive"; living books are the opposite of cold, dry textbooks. Charlotte Mason's concern was for students to develop a lifetime love of learning. She based her philosophy on the Latin word for education, "educare," which means "to feed and nourish." This method focuses on the formation of good habits, reading a variety of books, narration, copying work, dictation, keeping a nature diary, keeping a spelling notebook, and preparing a time line book). Click here for more infomation on Charolette Mason and area Meetings.
Classical Conversation
Switched on School House
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