I was born on Friday, January 26, 2001 at 4:48 am. On the first day my doctor realized that there was something wrong with my eyes. All babies are born with cloudy eyes that usually clears after a few hours. Mine did not clear. I was sent to a pediatric eye doctor who then referred me to the University of Kentucky Eye clinic. After an EUA (exam under ansthetic) it was determined that if I was to have any sight at all, I would need cornea transplants in both eyes. I underwent these surgeries with flying colors. The first being done in March 01' and the second in April 01'. At 3 months old I was also wearing eye glasses. Mommy liked to refer to me as her little professor. I continued going through EUA's to make sure everything was going okay and had to be on many eye drops to prevent infection and rejection of my new corneas. I also was diagnosed with optic nerve hypoplasia (small optic nerves) and my pupil was off center in my right eye, but mommy knew that the surgeries helped. The glasses did too even though I really didn't like them unless they were in my mouth. I really started to respond to everyone and everything about me after my stitches were removed.

   An MRI showed that two parts of my brain didn't develop correctly. I had partial agenesis of the corpus collosum and of the septum pellucidum. Also my soft spot was closed by the time I was 6 months old. I was a happy baby though. My Mommy got me into the First Steps program and therapists started coming and working with me 3-4 times a week at home. I loved them. I thought they were just scheduled playmates for me. I had problems learning how to do basic things, but they were so kind and gentle and patient with me. Soon they had me learning to roll over and with a little difficulty picking things up. My favorite toy was my slinky that my therapist Zoh brought for me. I wouldn't let her have it back. So mommy looked everywhere and found some just like that one and bought them for me so she could give one back to Zoh. I would sit in my walker for hours slinging that slinky around and get so mad when I threw it on the floor. I would lean over and look at it and then look at mommy and hollar at her. Somehow she knew to pick it for me and she would laugh and give me a big kiss.

   My mommy and daddy got together right before my first surgery. He fell in love with me the moment he laid his eyes on me. My father was never really in the picture, but my daddy was my world. I loved to sit in my swing and just knew when it was time for him to come in from work. I would get so excited and he would come in and I would just hollar and scream at him. He would rush right over to me and pick me and love on me. Our favorite game was me biting him and the nose and he would say ouch!! and make me laugh so hard. He would get me up with him before he went to work and play with me every morning. Then I would go back to bed until my sissy got up and she would play with me. Then It was mommy's turn. This was our everyday routine. Then Mommy and I either waited for a therapist session or were on our way to a doctor's appointment. Our days were so busy. Mommy was always right there with me, and my Granny was there too when she could be.

   I loved my chocolate pudding. Mommy still has my bear with it all over it. And My sissy come in one day with a sucker and I threw a fit for it. She layed it on the tray of my walker and got so excited cause I picked it up and put it my mouth! Mommy was excited too. It was another first for me. That outfit never got washed. Mommy has it in a ziploc baggy. Mommy made me some jello and put it on my walker tray after that and boy did I have fun with it. Some of it made it to my mouth.

   Then on Friday, January 18, 2002, my daddy woke up to find me not breathing. Mommy called 911 and did everything they told her until the ambulance arrived. They lied to mommy and said that I was breathing and rushed me to the Hospital. But It was too late. I was already with God. This website has been made with love by my mommy in my memory. Please make sure to sign my guestbook so mommy knows you were here. Thank You for taking the time to read this. And please, learn all you can about SIDS so someday hopefully we can stop this monster.

  Recently mommy found out that my problems with my brain are the reason that you are reading about me.  For some unknown reason, I was growing, but my brain wasn't.  Mommy took that very hard, but now realizes that if I were with her, I might be in pain and she would never want to see me hurt.  She would rather hurt, like she does everyday, than to see me suffer in any way.



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