This was published in the Fall, 1999 issue of Tikkun magazine

First They Came For . . .
by Reverend Martin Niemoeller

       First they came for the communists,

             And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.

       Then they came for the trade unionists,
             And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

       Then they came for the homosexuals,

            And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a homosexual.

        Then they came for the Jews,

             And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

       Then they came for the Catholics,

             But I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

       Then they came for me,

             And there was no one left to speak up.

Reverend Niemoeller, a German Lutheran pastor, was arrested by the Gestapo
and sent to Dachau in 1938. This was written upon his release by the Allied
Forces in 1945.

Nature: A Conclusion
by Nina Moliver, May 10, 1999

First they milled the flour, threw away the germ and the bran, and added a few vitamin extracts.

                   And I didn't speak up, because I eat whole grains.

Then they removed babies from the breast and fed them artificial formulas with cow's milk.

                   And I didn't speak up, because I breastfed my baby.
Then they laced the beef with hormones and antibiotics.

                    And I didn't speak up, because I don't eat beef.

Then they fed the chickens artificial pellets and kept them from sunlight.

                    And I didn't speak up, because I don't eat chicken or eggs.

Then they marketed dairy produced by recombinant hormones and laced with dioxin and pesticides, and all the rats got cancer.
                   And I didn't speak up, because I don't eat dairy.

Then they marketed fish contaminated with mercury and dioxin.
                   And I didn't speak up, because I don't eat fish.

Then they poured pesticides over the vegetables and grew them with commercial fertilizer.

                    And I didn't speak up, because I eat only organic vegetables.

Then they altered the genes of the vegetables, and the pollen from the altered vegetables blew in and contaminated the organic vegetable gardens.

                    And I spoke up, because there was nothing left for me to eat.

Paraphrased from Reverend Martin Niemoeller's original.

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