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Tornado alley
Here are some pictures of what was left behind after our massive tornado on May 3rd,1999
Here is a picture of the tornado as it was getting closer to my home.This is what it looked like as we watched it comeing towards us.
This is what a 1985 ford van looks like after an F-5 got ahold of it,and moved it 1/2 a mile away, on NW 12th. They had to find the id number to identify it. This use to belong to my Aunt Faye.
This is my husband takeing a break from looking through the debris.
This is a picture of my home when we first bought the home,and before we fixed it up.
This is after the tornado.
This is what use to be my kitchen. ( I usually keep it clean )
This is what use to be a big beautiful 30 year old tree.
This use to be one of our cars, it landed across the street in what use to be our neighbors livingroom.
This use to be the side of the house. Do you think you can find the Sammy Hagar album in this pile?
Here is a picture of our new home. It is still not quite finished yet,but at least we are home now.
May 3rd, 1999
Just another day like any other until 7:19 pm. My family and I had heard of a tornado that had been on the ground since around 4:30 pm. We didn't think much of it, until the news showed at 7:00 pm it was still on the ground and coming right twards Moore. Around 7:10 I decided to get in the truck and go to my aunts cellar. As I drove down to the end of the street, I saw it coming. With a panic I drove well over (55) and went back home and told my husband to get his ass in the car, that it was coming. Oddly enough we had to drive right for the thing to get to my aunts house. We got to the cellar door and it was way too close, we were getting the outflow winds from the 319 mile an hour winds of the tornado.We could see the houses being torn apart just like they were toys.  My Uncle opened the door just in time. The tornado hit just as they got the last latch on, and the cellar shook. It felt like an earthquake, it was so strong, and it was louder than any concert I have ever been to. When it had passed over we got out and there wasn't much to see but debris everywhere. Our truck was not driveable, so we walked home. People were screaming everywhere. As we got closer to our home we could see that we had a few walls left, but all the things inside was ruined. I did have one prayer answered, I had prayed that God would save my rabbits, and my parakeets, and he did. They were in a room that was totally gone, but not a scratch on them.( As a matter a fact if you look at the picture of where my husband is standing, that is where the bunnies were.( Don't ever doubt prayer.) We decided to take them and leave, and I think for the first time in my life I realized that material things don't mean that much. I have had a lot of nightmares afterwards, but when Sammy came to town about 3 weeks later, I finally let go and forgot what we had been through. I really needed him there, and when I heard that he had thought about not coming because of the tornado, I about freaked out. By Sammy deciding to come on and do the concert, was the best gift he could have ever given me.. THANK YOU SAMMY, I really did need you there.
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