DALLAS 8-9-2003
I must say Sammy always out does himself. The concert was a blast. I had 2nd row center seats and as usual it was awsome. Of all the concerts I have been to I have yet to hear Sammy make a mistake. He really puts a lot into his work. Of course after the show we met him again. I wasn't planning on bugging him again since I had already met him, but I wanted a video of the moment, and an autograph to get tattooed, oh well. Just as he arrived my battery was dead, so needless to say the pictures had to be enough. That was fine with me, it was so nice to get the sweetest hug again, and have the memories. I don't know if I will ever get the chance again. 30 years this month I have been a diabetic, and the muscles are getting weaker. You can tell how swollen I am, just from the ride from Moore Ok to Dallas. Not good news if I want to attend another concert, I can't sit still when Sammy is up on stage, and that is not good for my heart. But what a better place to die than enjoying the hell out of Sammys music.
Here Sammy autographed my car. I didn't bring anything to get signed but the picture of us on our last meeting. He offered and I said sure. I just wished I had a nicer car for him to have put in on. (Hey, this is all I could afford after the tornado, we lost both cars and hand no insurance, and I don't believe in credit cards or loans at all. I pay cash for everything. Ok I am a tight wad, I like having things paid for.
Here is a close up of the autograph. We are having a clear coat put over it. I was told it may not last but a year or so, but thats ok, I am going to baby that car. After Sammy signed the car he said, " you aren't going to sell this on ebay are you?" Sammy no way. On my REDHEAD honor I promise I will never do that. If the car finally dies out then I will take the hood off and keep the hood, and it will NOT GO ON EBAY. I guess he has a lot of people get autographs and sell them. All of my stuff will go in my redrocker room, even the hood.
Sammy, you will never know what you did for me. I truely ment what I said, and I hope that you except it with all sincerity. It has been bugging me for the longest time. I really needed the kisses you gave and that is what helps me to understand more what a great guy you are. I know you get tired of us fans sometimes, but you have been a real sport about it, and that is why us RED HEADS love you, keep on rocking our world with your songs.
Thanks Sammy for being honest with me about her situation.
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