Check these trix to get you started with three ball juggling look for trix involving your body as these are probably the easiest!!! Check out the 'wonderful' pictures aswell!!
Reverse Cascade Arches Chin Trap Chop Fake Forehead catch Fork Half Shower Kick ups Knee Bounce Neck catch Elbow bounce One-Up Two-Up Over your head Reach overs and unders Right Middle Left Shower Tennis 3 Ball Flash 3 Ball Start Under your hand Under your leg Wheel Windmill

Reverse Cascade
One of the first trix you should use, well actually not really a trick but a different version of juggling three balls. Normally you throw the balls underneath each other (normal cascade) but to do this you through the next ball OVER the one you are about to catch. This is an 'over the top' throw. its called reverse cascade because if you filmed someone juggling it and played it backwards it would look like they were doing a normal cascade! see pic

This is deformation of the normal three ball cascade. All the throws are the same but made so that the balls go left to right each in its own arch. One ball will be at the bottom. One in the middle going above the bottom ball. And then above these is the top and highest ball. see pic

Chin Trap
A simple trick, but can take a bit of practice to get the timing. When juggling a normal cascade simply throw one ball up and catch it between your chin and collar bone. You need to juggle close to your body and also i found you need to go to catch a bit earlier than you expect. Once you can do it try different combos of when you catch it etc.

This takes a bit of practice as it doesn't feel right at first. juggle three normaly then with your right hand catch the next ball at the peak of its flight and sweep it down through the middle of the pattern, over your left hand which is throwing another ball and then through that one straight up, continue juggling. see pic Then try different varients and eventually you'll be able to chop every ball!

This is really really easy, you just need to able to juggle two balls in one hand, but it is still one of the most entertaining trix for the non-juggler to see as it is very comical. The idea is you juggle two balls in one hand, then in the other hold the ball with your finger and thumb and move it in time with one of the balls you are juggling. You're trying to get the effect of one-up two-up but without juggling three balls. Also there are lots and lots of variations, swaping hands etc.

Forehead catch
A nice little trick to put in your routine just as a sudden stop. the idea is to chuck one ball up, tilt your head back and catch the ball on your forehead. How you expected it to be isn't it!!

This is a type of catch made during juggling. with your hand palm down spread your index and middle finger to form a 'v'. on top of this you can catch a ball. Also because your thumb and other two fingers are free you can hold another ball at the same time. Again there are hundreds of things you can do with the fork, throw them in anywhere you want!!

Half shower
A half shower fall between a cascade and a shower (shower is the name for the circular looking pattern you always see on cartoons). Once you can do it in one direction learn it the other way then move on from there. see pic

Kick ups
These can be done for a bit of style and there are all different varients. Basically in the middle of juggling throw one ball up hold the other two one in each hand, then kick the ball back up and continue. It can be kicked up in front of you, to your sides, behind you, if you want you could juggle two balls instead of holding them, and you can kick it more than once before continueing. Also if you drop a ball, you can pull the ball onto your foot with your other foot and flick it up and start juggling, or you can hold it between your feet, jump bring your feet up behind you and let go of the ball so it comes over your head for you to start juggling again.

Knee bounce
Really easy, chuck one ball up slightly higher, bring your leg up and knock it back up with your knee and continue juggling. Try bouncing it from one knee to the other.

Neck catch
Very stylish. Chuck the ball up as if you were going to catch it on your forehead but at the last moment take a bow and trap the ball behind your neck. it helps a lot if you spread your arms right out. Now to get back to juggling, straighten up quickly but keep your head bowed until the last second. With practice you'll be able to get the ball to go up vertically so you can get back into juggling.

Elbow bounce
Another really easy trick, but there's lots you can do from it. When juggling hold a ball in your right hand then when the next ball comes from the left bounce it back with your elbow. You can also do it so it bounces off the inside of your elbow (you know, where you straighten your arm quickly to bounce it back).

One-Up Two-Up
You need to be able to juggle two in one hand to do this. This trick has to be the one with the most variations. To do the normal one you juggle two balls in your right hand in colomns and one up and down in your left hand. Of course you can swap hands, cross the balls, cross your hands, throw them around, all sorts, see the pic for some examples see pic

Over your head
Once you've learnt this you'll be able to juggle lying down!! Put your hands above your head and juggle by 'pushing the ball upwards. once you've mastered it you can attempt all your favourite tricks like it.

Reach unders and overs
To do these one hand throws a ball upwards instead of across so that your other hand has to reach over it or under it to catch that ball. then it throws it up again and you can continue as before. Again build it up so that eventually you can do it every throw.

Right Middle Left
This is easy once you realise what's going on!! Imagine three colomns in front of you, start with two balls in your right and one in the left. Start by throwing one ball from your right hand straight up on the right then throw one straight up in the middle. Now throw the left ball straight up, catch and rethrow the one in the middle with your left hand (your right hand will be catching the first ball you threw). Now continue the pattern Right-Right-Left-Left-Right-Right-etc.

This creates a circular pattern. Throw the balls from your right hand quite high, and from the left they should be flat if not passed to your right hand. This trick is really impressive when done tight and fast. see pic

The idea is that two of the balls form the 'net' whilst the third ball travels back and forth over the top of them. There are two main ways. The first is to juggle as normal but through on ball back and forth over the other two. The other way is to juggle alternate juggling two balls in one hand by throwing the third ball back and forth. Look at the pictures to see how its done!! see pic

3 Ball flash
This and the 3 Ball Start are closely related. A flash is when you are juggling and you chuck all the balls in the air at once catch and continue juggling. Things can be done during the flash. For example the easiest is to chuck all three balls up, clap your hands, catch the first two balls and continue juggling. Once you can do this you can start doing other things like a pirouette (spin).

3 Ball start
This is basically to start juggling by doing a flash (see above). Hold all 3 balls in one hand and chuck them up together but so they come apart. Catch the bottom two and go into juggling as the third ball comes down. Experiment. One of my favourites to do, is when juggling catch all three in one hand and do a 3 ball start under my leg.

Under your hand
This trick will be needed if you want to attempt harder patterns. Catch a ball in your left hand, then sweep your hand across and underneath your right hand, chuck the ball straight up at the side and continue. This move has got to be quite quick as you need to throw the ball ready for the right hand to catch and get your left hand back to catch the next ball. It is easier than it sounds. Once you can do it try it with your other hand, alternate hands etc. see pic

Under your leg
Not to hard, pretty much how you'd expect it to be. Just remember to bring your leg up instead of moving your hand down. Also to get the timing, watch your hand as it throws, it sweeps back and forth so bring your leg up between there. Once you can do it under one leg try the other, then try opposite legs, both legs, and who knows what else!

Make every throw in the middle and away from you. It still Right-Left-Right-Left but catch the ball in front of you bring it back to your chest and throw it up and forwards again. What you are aiming for is a circular pattern when viewed from the side. You can change it around so you catch the balls at your chest move your hand in front of you and chuck the ball back at yourself.

Try this once you can do under your hand. Throw every ball with one hand under your other hand and the ones from that hand should be over the top throws (like doing a reverse cascade). The effect is that the balls go in a sort of circle. The under hands throws must be every throw by that hand and must be under. The over the top throws must be over the top every throw by your other hand. No Cascade Throws!! This is one of the most important trix to learn if you want to learn Mill's Mess. see pic

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