friends of mine in Korea...
This is my younger sister Suzanne...she came to Korea in August of this year and my friend Mr Yi was kind enough to put her up at his house & feed her during her visit...this picture is at Mr Yi's house in Pyongtaek along with his niece Chisu.  This is the first picture I took with my digital camera too...
My sister is back in the US now going to art school in Pittsburgh.
This is my roommate "j-rod".  We work in the same office.  He has been in Korea even longer than me & now he wants to go back to the States.  Originally he is from California.
This is "Billy" Zoller who lives in the room next to mine.  He has a TV and a VCR so everyone is  in his room a lot to watch movies.  When Billy first got here he work at my section but now he is down at Roving Maintenance.  His next duty station is Fort Bragg, North Carolina (ugh!).  In spite of the picture Billy is not from New York, he is from Florida and next week he will go home on leave.  If you see him around anywhere please DO NOT buy him any alcohol...
This is Canada (not a nickname!) on CQ.  When he doesn't have to pull CQ he also works in my section..
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