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The Nick&Natpack is one of many Forever Knight "factions" (groups of fans who favour a particular character or characters) and includes many members who also belong to one or more other factions. Our common ground is a particular interest in Nicholas Knight and Natalie Lambert's romantic relationship. We have been a recognized faction in FK fandom for several years, and have participated in several fan fiction "Wars"and in charity fundraising. Our original "Mortal Love" website was created by our founding and current Faction Leader, Soulseeker, several years ago.

The most misunderstood aspect of the Nick&Natpack is our "view" of Nick and Nat. We have often been stereotyped as a solid mass who envision Nick regaining his mortality, marrying Nat and raising a family. While many Nick&Natpackers share that view, the concept of "Mortal Love" was actually inspired by the Lacroix voiceover question to Nick in Dark Knight, "What turn of the heart that compels you to seek mortal love?" Our faction also includes members who prefer a darker relationship where both Nick and Nat are vampires, as well as still others who like the status quo. Our common stance is one of affection and respect for both characters, and our common vision is one of Nick and Nat together... forever!!!


A N&Npack Minicon is simply a weekend where a bunch of us get together for a weekend of fun including, sightseeing fanfic reading and group dinners. Events have included filming site tours, theatre, shopping, ghost walks, and cruises among others. Besides a few weekends in Toronto, we've also met up in Las Vegas and New Orleans! We also hold a charity auction which has raised several thousands of dollars over the past few years. Our last Minicon (7th one to date!) took place in Halifax, Nova Scotia in the summer of 2005 and was a great success with our highest ever donation level to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto (over $4,000.00 !!!). Unfortunately busy RL has pre-empted planning for an 8th Minicon, but we do hope to have another one in the near future.

While I still haven't gotten around do a Minicon Report on our Halifax trip, Minicon #6 tooks us to New Orleans in the summer of 2003. Events we participated in there included a vampire tour, ghost tour, Oak Alley Plantation, and a City Tour that included a cemetery stop. (If you're interested in reading about our adventures in our Minicon Report, it's available here: 2003 Minicon Report.

In August of 2002, we held our Minicon in the usual location of Toronto. Along with our normal activity of visiting FK filming sites, past events in Toronto have included the Renaissance Faire, Medieval Times Dinner Tournament, CN Tower, and Casa Loma.

Minicon "Culture"

Certain events over the years have contributed to our "Minicon Culture". Our first Minicon was slightly overbooked in the activity department the first year, earning us a reputation of being "late".

The following year, in 1999, some mischevious N&Ners smuggled "aliens" into Canada. These anatomically challenged creatures in liquid filled "condoms" quickly became a part of our "minicon culture". Unfortunately one of them developed a leak and died one night. He was taken to the Coroner's Office for an alien autopsy the next morning, but alas, Nat works the nightshift...

In the summer of 2000, when dozens of fibreglass moose graced the streets of Toronto, it didn't take long for us to incorporate moose into the equation (some N&Ners do have FoDS tendencies!) Our group photo in front of the Coroner's office that summer was the best ever - Soulseeker managed to convince four of Toronto's finest to join in.

For a change of pace, our 4th Minicon was held in Las Vegas. It was the perfect locale for our group because being late didn't matter. No one bumped into Screed, but one group did manage to catch Rick Springfield (the original "Nick Knight") starring in EFX at the MGM Grand, and all of us enjoyed the "Star Trek Experience" at the Hilton.

Last year's Minicon was held on August 16-17-18 in Toronto and included a sidetrip to Stratford on Sunday the 18th to see Ger perform in My Fair Lady. The auction and donates raised $2,729.00 U.S. which, with the favourable exchange rate equalled approximately $4,568.00 Canadian for the Hospital for Sick Children.

Mailing List

The Nick&Natpack have their own Yahoo mailing list. It provides a forum for discussion about Nick and Nat and a place for posting Nick and Nat fanfic, but the topics can and do vary greatly - from general Forever Knight however-loosely-related stuff to the personal trials and triumphs of list members. If you are new to writing fanfic and are hesitant to post your Nick&Nat story to the main list, it's an ideal place to get your feet wet. If you have a particular affection for Nick and Nat, it's a great place to "meet" people with similar interests. From http://groups.yahoo.com you can search for NNPack and subscribe, or join via e-mail to [email protected]

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