Roleplay Help

Ok, we'll start off with the basics, just incase we have any new people in the federation. To Roleplay, go to the Roleplay board. Pretty simple there, you'll see a link on the main page saying, strangely enough, "Roleplay Board." NMW uses Hyperboards, which are perhaps the easiest boards to use out there. You dont need to know any computer code at all, which makes this help section extra easy to write. I won't even bother telling you how to use the features, it's simple enough to figure. For example, when you choose a colour, it will come up with:


Simple enough. Just write where it says "text" and everything in there, in the end result (which you can view by clicking the preview button), will be orange (or the colour you selected). So that's the only real help I'm going to give you, if you need more technical help, Email me.

However, I will describe the whole concept of roleplaying more. In an Efed you create a wrestler and hope that he'll make it far. Well, the only way you can make yourself known, and therefore be involved in matches and have the chance to win, is by roleplaying. Roleplaying is done on the Roleplay Board. Yo can either go to "New Thread" to start a new roleplay, or reply to someone elses by clicking the reply button below their own roleplay. When you reply to someone elses, it is customary to continue where they left off, but not necessary.

Basically a roleplay is generally a third person type story, which describes what your wrestler is doing. The most common type is a promo, where you'll describe how your wrestler comes down to the ring, and what he says and does in the ring itself. But in a roleplay what you do is up to you. You can have an interview backstage, attack someone, or go on a fishing trip if that's what you want to do. There's no limits. HOWEVER, that is within reason. You cannot humiliate a wrestler, or injure him. Attacks on other people must be done so that they will not enrage the wrestler you are attacking, or anyone else. You can't break people's bones and such. UNLESS of course you have their permission, or alternatively mine, but I will RARELY give such permission.

If you have any further questions, please Email me, and I shall add what you need to know into this page, as I'm SURE I've left a lot out in my rush to complete other pages. Sincerely, Prez Shay.

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