Nathaniel Quotes

(Nathaniel, speaking about what Al wants.) "He wants a woman to pet his head and make him feel nice before he goes to sleep."

(About the previous "Al", Michael Tipps.) "I have confidence that [Tipps is] going to be doing something before we know it."

(On reading what fans say about him online.) "I started watching the Web postings to see what people were saying. And where I'm concerned, it seems like people have tons of things to say!"

(About how some of the online fans tend to guess what will happen on the show.) "It's really fun to watch people guess the storyline and see who has it figured out. I always wonder if some of the people [on the message boards] really do work on our show!"

(About the Make-A-Wish Foundation) "I would participate again. That is one thing you can do with this job -- try to make other people's lives a little sunnier."

(About a boy at the Make-A-Wish Foundation) "He's well-spoken. Listening to a 16-year-old talk so candidly about his own death makes you go, 'Wow.'"

(About Jen's feelings for Al) "There are a lot of qualities about him that she does actually dig. It's just that she's not really in love with the kid."

(About modelling) "The whole model thing kind of kills me altogether. I'm just not real big on the whole fashion scene, the self-importance of that whole world. They would like to think and believe that they are the beginning and end of everything on Earth."

"I go with my grandma to Filene's Basement because they have incredible deals on things. I can get a cashmere coat for almost nothing. We go when there's a 50 percent off sale, and you get 15 percent off for using your Filene's card. Then, she gets a 10 percent senior citizen's discount, so we're only paying 25 percent. We have it all worked out. Grandmas know where to find the deals.

(About meeting his dog, Bruno) "He knocked me down, and then jumped all over me. I was so happy. I remember thinking, 'I guess this means you're mine now!' Today, he's still my boy. He's my buddy!"

(About having to gain weight for the movie "Ciao, America") "Everyday I had a box of Krispy Kreme donuts, a case of beer, two steak, a whole chicken, and half a dozen eggs. Then I would drink these 2,500 calorie weigh-gainer shakes throughout the day, and I would have about three or four of them. I just got to the point where I couldn't eat anymore!"

(About his first kiss) "It was with a girl named Candace. I was 10. She said, 'I never kissed anybody yet.' And I was like, "It is really easy. It's kind of like riding a bike.' I had never kissed anybody myself! I said, 'It is difficult at first. but once you get it going it's good.' I had no idea what I was talking about!"

(About seeing Los Angeles Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda at the Sushi Que restaurant.) "He eats a lot of tuna. It was all tuna for this guy."

"Being new everywhere, you end up being the butt of a lot of humiliation. I was overweight as a kid. I was really fat. And people would say things..."

(About which ABC character he would play if he had the choice.) "I would love to play Mitch, the evil cult leader on OLTL. He's a great character because he is the quintessential bad guy, and everyone knows it's fun to play a bad boy."

"For about six months, every time I opened [the New York Post], there was a new story about me. And a lot of them were just nonsense. There was one that said I attacked a guy in a park with my dog. I was in L.A. [They made it seem like] I was just this bad, crazy person who was going around the city terrorizing people."

(About Kathy Brier) "She's great! She's good to work with; she's very professional, smart. And her voice, her voice! It's like grating cheese or something!"

"I have a dope sound system.."

"Guys can't wear makeup. Well, we can, but it was cool to wear eyeliner in the '80s. It's not now -- you just look odd."

(About Al and Marcie) "We look like your neighbors. You could bump into us at Walmart in the home and garden section: 'Hey, it's Al and Marcie!' People identify with that."

(On why his manager would not want him to audition for The Contender, and show off his boxing skills) "She probably doesn't want me to get my head beat in. 'Hmm, send him into a ring to get punched in his head? Or make him go to auditions and get lots of money for his pretty face? I think we'll send him to the pretty face stuff."

"I'm a pretty shy person all the way around, and I really don't have that sort of easy way with women. I'm sort of clumsy. If a woman comes up to me, I'll blush, especially if it's someone I've been making eye contact with. Pretty much the only way I meet women is if they come up and talk to me because I'm deathly afraid of them."

"I'm not into conventional-looking women, like the Barbie-doll sort of look. Most of the women I've dated have been pretty agressive because they have to come up and talk to me or else there is no dating."

"I remember going to a theater in Poughkeepsie, NY, when I was three. They had a Q&A with the actors after the show and a woman said to me, 'When you grow up you can be an actor!' I looked her dead in the eye and said, 'I already am an actor.' There wasn't much else that I was going to do in life."

"I don't dig waking up early. I've always said, 'If you want me up before 6, it's gonna cost you dearly."


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