Transcripts: Nathaniel's First Day as Al

Peg: "Jen, darling, you must stop being so tense."
Jen: "I'm not tense."
Peg: "Take it from someone who knows only too well. When you look tense, you look awful. So try, dear, to relax, or you'll ruin the shoot!!"
Jen: "I am relaxed!"
Peg: "Good heavens! Don't bite poor Peg's head off. She's only trying to help you."
Al: "Well, then, why don't you leave her alone?"
Peg: "Excuse me?"
Jen: "Al? "
Al: "Stop talking to her like that. You're not helping."
Peg: "I beg your pardon? Who is a veteran in this business? Not you, I assure you-"
Al: "Well, unless you want to be a retired veteran-" Peg: "I don't work for you, young man."
Al: "Well, that could change if I called up the people that you do work for, and offered them twice what this agency's worth. Well, then, you're out of a job, aren't you?"
Peg: "Well, I'm going to be out of a job anyway if she steps in front of the camera in this condition."
Al: "Guys -- could you give us a minute?"
Woman: "No problem."
Man: "Sure."
Al: "Thanks.... You look great."
Jen: "I look how I feel: awful."
Al: "Well, don't worry about it. Everything's going to be okay. You'll see."
Jen: "Yeah. Maybe now that you're here."
(Scene ends)

(Next scene)
Jen: "I really am glad you came here today."
Al: "What else was I going to do?"
Jen: "Sleep?"
Al: "Sleep?"
Jen: "It was dark when I came here. I never expected to see you.."
Al: Well, I can't sleep thinking of you. And when I do, I dream of you. So I figured I'd drop in on the real thing!"
Jen: "That's sweet."
Al: "Look, Jen, you don't understand. I'm crazy about you. I mean, sleep doesn't matter. Nothing matters as long as I get to be close to you -- as a friend."
Jen: "Al-"
Al: "Jen, it's okay. As a friend. Really."
Jen: "Okay, thanks. Because I really needed one when you showed up."
Al: "Oh, yeah, right. Miss Piggy was out for blood.... [Mocks Peg] 'Darling, relax! Be like me! Relax! Just let go!' [Normal voice] See? That's how you do it."
Jen: "What?"
Al: "Smile. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten how. Ah, that's two in a row. You watch out. You keep that up, the whole world's going to fall in love with you, Jen."
Woman: "Jen? You ready to go?"
Jen: "Yes."
Al: "She's all yours."
Peg: "Now, stay out of everyone's way and wait with the others."
Keith: "Right."
Peg: "And don't even think of touching the food. That's not for the extras."
Keith: "I never eat or drink on a job."
Peg: "Very interesting. Excuse me for a moment...."
Keith: [to Jen] "You ready for your big day?"
(Scene ends)

(Next scene)
Peg: "Minions, gather round. I have a new inspiration."
Jen: "What are you doing here?"
Keith: "I got the gig."
Jen: "Huh?"
Keith: "Peg was looking for extras yesterday, remember?"
Jen: "Oh. Oh, yeah."
Keith: "So she hired me on the spot. Well, I can see you're busy, so good luck. I'll be watching you."
Al: "Man, I cannot believe all the food they put out. Hey, what's - what's wrong?"
Jen: "I'm not sure. There's this guy here, and he keeps coming up to me, and he kind of creeps me out."
Al: "What, is he hitting on you?"
Jen: "No, nothing like that. He never even really said or did anything bad. I just get a really weird feeling about him."
(Scene ends)

(Next scene)
Keith: "So I hang with Jen every now and then. Why does that bother you?"
Al: "Well, hanging's one thing, but hassling is quite another."
Keith: "What hassling? I can't be the first guy to notice Jen. I mean, once the shoot hits the stands, I'm sure I'm not going to be the last, so you better get used to it, Boyfriend."
Al: "I'm not her boyfriend, and neither are you."
Keith: "I never said I was."
Al: "So, Jen tells me that she ran into you back in Llanview?"
Keith: "Yeah, that's right."
Al: "And now you're here. I'd call that a pretty big coincidence."
Keith: "Yeah, I'd call it a happy coincidence. Jen isn't the kind of girl I forget."
Al: "But that is exactly what you're going to do."
Keith: "Let me hear that from her."
Al: "You just did. Listen, guy, you're creeping her out."
Keith: "She said that?"
Al: "Just now."
Keith: "Oh. I mean, I do have a little thing for her, but I didn't mean to make her feel funny, really."
Al: "So, now you know. What are you going to do about it?"
Keith: "Well, apologize to her, for one. Where is she?"
Al: "Never mind where she is. Just stay out of Jen's way, and you and me - we can pretend this never happened, okay?"
Keith: "Yeah, no problem."
Al: "It will be if you keep bothering Jen. Remember - remember what I said."
Keith: "Yeah, I'll remember, tough guy."


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