"Al's Not So Wonderful Life": Chapter Five - by Jen

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[The Mill House]

Max: Yeah, he was acting kinda weird when he was here earlier. He�s in love with this girl that I never even heard of�what did he say her name was? (scratching his head) Marcia I think�or maybe it was Margaret.

Gabby: Yes, that must be the girl he was mumbling about when he left the carriage house earlier today. I�m really worried about him, Max, and so is Jen. We feel that he might be taking drugs�

Max (surprised): Drugs? Nah, Al can�t be on drugs. (looking at Gabby) Are you serious?

Gabby (looking back at Max): Unfortunately, I am being serious.

Max (shaking his head): No, I can�t believe that our son would be on drugs.

Gabby: I never would have thought so either but after speaking with Jen, it definitely seems to be a possibility. Listen, Jen and I were talking and we came up with a way to try to help him.

Max: What�s that; lock him in his room, sealing the door with duct tape and using a lacrosse stick to keep him from leaving?

Gabby: I�m being serious, Max!

Max: Yeah I know, come on and sit down and tell me what you have in mind.

[Meanwhile in Angel Square]

Al (talking loudly and pacing): Damn it! What the hell is going on with my life?! First I�m married to Jen, then Marcie�s nowhere to be found, then Brad is in my room and now even my parents are against me. If this is some sort of revenge�

At this moment, Al paused because he felt a hand on his shoulder. For a moment he thought that it could be Marcie, but this brief optimism was quickly brought down to earth.

Al: Jen? What are you doing here? I shoulda figured that it would be you.

Jen: Al, I�ve been looking all over for you since you left home.

Al: Home?! The carriage house is far from being my home. Listen Jen, I really don�t feel like talking to you right now. Just leave me alone, ok.

Jen: No, I�m not going to leave you alone. I just want to help you cause I can tell you are going through a tough time. I care about you Al�

Al (angry): Since when, Jen?!! When have you ever cared about me?! All you ever cared about was using me!! And honestly I�m sick of it!!

Jen: Could you just calm down for a second?

Al (still angry): No, Jen! I will not calm down! If you were having the day that I�m having, I�m sure you�d be mad too! Hell you�d probably think of some way of turning it around on someone, no scratch that, more likely you�d find a way to take it out on everyone!

Jen: I know I�ve made some mistakes, ok. I should never have slept with you when Cris broke up with me to protect me from that hit man and I shouldn�t have agreed to marry you just because I felt guilty about your condition. But ya know what, being with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I�ve come to see the error of my ways and also what a great human being you are, Al. You are a prince Al Holden and I�ll always care about you no matter what happens.

Al: If you are gonna try to play with me, Jen, couldn�t you at least do it in a believable way? Who in their right mind would believe you, of all people, being this nice? What happened to Rex�oh, and Joey? How many guys do you need anyways, Jen?

Jen stood there in shock because of what Al just said. She didn�t know what to say.

Jen: Wha�Joe�But�How did you�

Al: How did I know about you and Joe? It�s not like its not obvious, Jen, you guys parade it all over town. Everyone in town probably knows.

Jen (still in shock): What are you�But we haven�t�

Al: I don�t have time to wait for you to come up with more excuses. There are better things that I could be doing with my time.

Al walked off leaving Jen alone in Angel Square, tears now beginning to build in her eyes. She sat down on the edge of the angel statue and just as she did this Joe walked up and saw her crying.

Joe: Jen? Are you all right?

Jen (wiping a tear from her eye): Yeah, I�m�I�m fine. Just something Al said to me got me a little upset, that�s all.

Joe: What did he say?

Jen (looking at Joe): He more implied it than said it. He implied that we, you and I, were having an affair. I mean, all we did was kiss that one time and that didn�t last long. I pulled away almost as soon as it started. I made a vow to Al and I wouldn�t want to wreck your career in the church like that.

Joe: Why in the world would he say something like that? No one even knows that we kissed.

Jen: I don�t know why he would say that. I�m really worried about him, Joe. He hasn�t been acting like himself at all and today he�s gotten so much worse. Ms. Medina�I mean Gabrielle�and I think that drugs might be the problem and we�ve come up with a plan to help him.

Joe (nodding his head): Yeah, I think you might be on to something with that, he has been hanging around with Brad White a lot recently, and just about everyone knows what he�s into. Can I do anything to help?

Jen: Actually I was gonna ask you to help, we can use all the help that we can get. Here�s what you can do�

[Back at the Mill House]

Max: That sounds like a plan. But what if drugs aren�t the problem and this all just backfires?

Gabby: Well, we�ll just have to deal with that when it comes. But I think we need to do it as soon as possible.

Max: How about tonight, is that too soon?

Gabby: No, tonight might work perfectly. Let me call Jen and make sure she�s available.

Gabby reached in her purse and pulled out her phone to call Jen.

Jen: Hello

Gabby: Hello, Jen, it�s Gabrielle. I�ve just spoken with Max and we think that tonight may be best to follow through with what we had planned. Is that all right with you?

Jen: Sure, let me just ask Joe if it�s ok with him. He�s right here with me and he said that he wants to help in any way he can.

Joe: Ask me what?

Jen: It�s Gabrielle on the phone and she wants to know if it�s ok to go through with what I told you; tonight.

Joe: Oh, sure it�s fine with me. It might be best to do this sooner rather than later anyways.

Jen: Ok, Gabrielle. Tonight is good for us. But how can we make sure Al is going to be there?

Gabby: You just let me worry about that, Jen. Just be at the carriage house at�shall we say 7?

Jen (looking at Joe): Yeah, 7�s fine. I�ll see you then.

Gabby: All right, I will see you later then. Goodbye.

Max: Ok, everything�s all set but how exactly are we going to get Al to show up?

Gabby (hanging up her phone): Well�I�m not exactly sure.

To be continued�


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