"Al's Not So Wonderful Life": Chapter Four - by Jen

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[The Mill House]

Al: Maybe you can help me figure out what�s going on, Dad.

Max: I�ll do my best, son. Let me have it.

Al: Well first off, I woke up today in a bed at the Llanfair carriage house�

Max: Well that�s understandable; you have been living there for a year now.

Al: That�s just it, Dad. I don�t remember living there and on top of that I don�t remember being married to Jen either. The way that I remember it, Cris broke up the wedding with the truth about me being able to walk. Jen and I never got married and I haven�t lived in the carriage house since then.

Max (confused): But I witnessed the wedding myself. Where are you living then if not there? Not here surely, though your room is still upstairs.

Al: I was living at the dorms at the University. And I didn�t even realize that you still were living here and with Roxy of all people.

Max (more confused): Roxy and I are married, you know that. We had our troubles at first, I�ll be the first to admit that. But we worked everything out and we are happier than we have ever been.

Al: Yeah I get that�s how it is but I remember it differently. You were working with Asa to get rid of Roxy and she found out about it. Then she divorced you and took everything, even this house. You were left with nothing, well until you won the lottery anyways, and you were living at St. James.

Max: I won the lottery?!

At this moment, Roxy came back into the room.

Roxy: Maxy? You won the lottery? Yeah baby�that increases our luck in Atlantic City. I can�t wait to hit those tables now.

Max (turning to look at Roxy): Roxy, we are trying to have a private conversation. Do ya mind? And no, I didn�t win the lottery. (looking at Al) Right?

Al: Well if you don�t remember it happening then probably not.

Roxy: Oh�sorry Maxy�Just came to tell ya that I�m all packed and ready to go. Atlantic City here we come.

Max: That�s fine but could you give us a few more minutes. I�ll make it up to you, I promise.

Roxy: You better.

Roxy headed back out of the room.

Roxy (mumbling to herself): Man, no one ever lets me precipitate.

Max: Sorry bout that. Now, where were we?

Al: We were talking about you and Roxy.

Max: Right. I know I almost lost her with the little charade with Asa but luckily I came to my senses in time. But we certainly didn�t get a divorce and I�m far from broke. (looking back towards the doorway where Roxy just exited) Well at least I hope so but ya never know with Roxy around.

Al (nodding his head): Ya got that right.

Al and Max both laughed slightly. The laughter didn�t last long, however, and the conversation turned back to being serious.

Al: I get it now, Dad, that you and Roxy are married and everything. But I don�t even now which way is up anymore after all that�s happened today. The last thing I remember, I was thinking about Marcie and how great she is and then I fell asleep in my bed in my dorm room.

Max: I�m not sure I want to ask but, who�s Marcie?

Al (smiling): Marcie is the most incredible woman that I ever met. She helped me when I needed her most. She�s the woman that I love. I feel for her like you did for Luna, and probably still do. Dad, I don�t know what I�ll do without her. (no longer smiling and looking at the floor) But with everything that has happened today, I�m starting to think that all of that was just a dream. Everything is just so messed up right now.

Max didn�t know what to say. His son was obviously hurting and he couldn�t do anything about it. He put his hand on Al�s shoulder to try and comfort him.

Max: I�m happy that you finally found someone to love, Al. But it sounds like you�re confused about everything right now. Maybe you should go and lie down for a while, maybe that will help you get it all straightened out. Your room is still the way you left it.

Al (looking at Max again): Thanks Dad, maybe you�re right. Maybe it all will be more clear after resting for a bit. I�ll go and do that right now. Will you be around later so we can talk some more?

Max: Of course. I�ll always be here for you, son. Roxy and I won�t be heading off to Atlantic City for a couple days but we�re not leaving til the day after tomorrow. Though you might think we were leaving this very second they way Roxy�s acting. (shaking his head and smiling) She loves her Atlantic City.

Al (smiling): Yeah, she definitely does.

Al got up off the couch and headed over to the door that led to the stairs. Once he went through the door and started going up the stairs he heard the doorbell ring. He stopped when he heard his mom�s voice.

Gabby: Excuse me, Roxanne! No time to talk, I need to speak to Max!

Max: Gabby�How can I be of service?

Gabby: We need to have a talk about Al, I�m worried about him and so is Jen.

Max: Ok�what�s going on?

Gabby: Jen and I have both noticed Al acting very nervous and jittery lately, not to mention how crazy he has been acting today. Max, I am really worried about him. Jen and I came up with a plan on how to help him and we need your help.

At that moment, Al came busting through the door.

Al (very angry): Mom, what do you think you�re doing?!!

Gabby: Al?�what a surprise. I didn�t know you were here. (looking at Max questioningly)

Al: What�s this about a plan?!! When are you gonna stop interfering with my life?!!! I don�t need your help, either of you or Jen for that matter!! I�m leaving, I don�t have time to deal with this!!

Al furiously took off out the door.

Gabby: See what I mean?�

To be continued�


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