"Al's Not So Wonderful Life": Chapter Two - by Jen

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[At the carriage house at Llanfair]

Al (angry): You know what Jen, I�m tired of all your games! What did you do, drug me and then get someone to bring me here?! Ya know what, don�t even answer that cause I�m outta here. I gotta go find Marcie.

Before Jen could even say a word, Al had jumped out of the bed and was already out of the room. He raced down the stairs and headed out the door, passing Gabby on his way out.

Al: Hi mom, bye mom. Sorry no time to talk, I gotta go find Marcie.

Gabby (yelling after him): Al, does this mean that the truth is out about you being able walk?

But by the time she got this out, Al was long gone.

Gabby (wondering to herself): What has gotten into that boy? One minute he�s persistent about me not telling his secret and the next he�s running out the door. And who is this Marcie person that he�s talking about?

At this moment Jen came walking down the stairs still surprised about all that just happened, since it all happened so fast.

Jen: Oh, good morning Ms. Medina. Did you happen to see Al come this way?

Gabby: Yes, I did. He was in hurry, didn�t get to say anything to him. So, I suppose you know about his condition now then? And, we have been family for a while now Jen, how many times do I have to tell you to call me mom or at least Gabrielle?

Jen: Oh right, Gabrielle. Yeah I guess I do know now. I wonder how long he�s been keeping that from me, he probably wanted to surprise me or something.

Gabby (with a worried look on her face): Right, surprise you, that�s what he had in mind.

Jen noticed the worried look on Gabby�s face but didn�t know what to make of it. She wondered if Gabby had noticed the weird way that Al had been acting recently.

Jen: Listen Ms. Medina�I mean Gabrielle�I don�t know if you�ve noticed, but Al has been acting weird recently, very hyper and jittery and I don�t know what to make of it. And today�s the worst I�ve ever seen him. I mean he was very busy with his classes and his job at the radio station. But now that he graduated, I thought that he would have gotten better but it hasn�t. And he�s been hanging around with Brad White, a known drug dealer, a lot lately. I�m worried about him and I don�t know what I can do to help him. I�m his wife and I want to help him, to be there for him.

Gabby (growing even more worried about her son): Jen, I have noticed his behavior lately as well and I think we need to have a little chat about my son.

Jen (nodding): Yeah, I guess we do.

Jen and Gabby went to sit down on the couch to discuss what they were going to do.

[Meanwhile Al was heading to the dorms at Llanview U., hoping to find Marcie and make some sense of this whole situation.]

Al (walking quickly and talking to himself): Man, I don�t know what is going on here but I have to find Marcie. I�ll feel a lot better about everything once I look into her beautiful eyes. Looking in those eyes can make all my problems go away.

Al stopped when he heard a familiar voice call out his name. He turned around and saw that it was Rex.

Al (angry about being interrupted): What do you want, Rex?!

Rex (with a big grin on his face): Al, ole buddy, ole pal. I see you�re talking to yourself, as usual. And finally lost those wheels I see, I knew the whole not walking thing was a bunch of bs anyways. So, are ya off to see you know who about you know what? (Winking)

Al: What the hell are you talking about, Rex?! Listen I don�t have time for your crap right now, gotta go.

Al took off before Rex had a chance to respond.

Rex (quietly to himself): Man, he needs a fix and he needs it bad.

Al finally reached Marcie�s room and banged on the door.


The door opened but Al didn�t look at who opened the door.

Al (relieved): Thank god, you�re here. Listen I need to talk to you about�

Al paused in his tracks, cause the girl who opened the door wasn�t Marcie.

Al (puzzled): Who are you, where�s Marcie?

Girl: I�m Becky this is my room. Who�s this Marcie person you are talking about?

Al: Wha�Since when�?

Becky: Since when, what?

Al: Since when has this been your room?

Becky: I�ve had this room since the beginning of the year. The girl who used to live here moved out.

Al (still puzzled): But this is Marcie�s room.

Becky: No it�s not, it�s my room.

Al: Oh, right. Do you know what happened to the girl who used to have this room?

Becky: No, I�m sorry. All they told me was she moved out and the room was available if I wanted it.

Al: Ok then, thanks for your help. I�m sorry I bothered you.

Becky: That�s ok, sorry I couldn�t be more help to ya.

Becky closed the door and Al was even more confused than ever.

Al (talking to himself): Dammit, where the hell is Marcie? Why would she just up and leave like that? I have to find her.

And Al took off running down the hallway, determined to find Marcie.

Back at the carriage house.

Gabby: Ok then, it�s a plan. I�ll talk to Max because we are going to need his help if this is going to work.

Jen: Right, and I�ll talk to Joe. He�s been a good friend to Al recently and I�m sure he�ll be willing to help.

Gabby: All right, I�ll talk with you later then, Jen.

Jen: Bye, Ms. Medina�I mean Gabrielle.

To be continued�


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