"Al's Not So Wonderful Life": Chapter One - by Jen

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[In the dorms, Al and Marcie are returning from their concert in New York. They are walking back to Marcie�s room.]

Marcie (smiling): I had a great time at the concert, Al. Thank you for getting those tickets.

Al (smiling back): It was nothing. I knew how much you wanted to go to that concert, so I got the tickets. Perks of being the voice, ya know. Besides I�d do anything to make you happy.

Marcie let out a little giggle and blushed as they arrive at her door.

Marcie: Aww, Al. You are so sweet. I�m sorry that we didn�t�ah�you know. Sorry that we had to have separate rooms.

Marcie looked down at the floor.

Al (lifting up Marcie�s chin to look in her eyes): Marcie, don�t apologize. I could tell that you still weren�t ready. I don�t want you doing something that you are still uncomfortable with just to make me happy. Besides, it was my idea to get separate rooms and I�m glad we did.

Marcie looked away again, tears starting to form in her eyes.

Al: Marcie, stop looking away. Look at me.

Marcie turned her head back and looked him in the eyes. Her eyes were getting more watery and a tear slowly slid down her cheek.

Al (wiping the tear from Marcie�s face): Marcie, I love you. You know that. I want your first time and our first time together to be perfect and that means that you have to be completely ready. I�m willing to wait till you are comfortable enough to take that type of step; you are definitely worth the wait. I don�t want you taking that step just to make me happy. If you�re happy, then I�m happy and that�s the truth.

Marcie: Thank you, Al. But�

Al (cutting her off): No, buts. I will not discuss this anymore.

Al paused and just stood there looking at her, staring into her eyes.

Marcie: Al? What�s wrong? Do I have something on my face or something? (Reaching up to touch her face.)

Al: Huh?�Oh, no Marcie you look as beautiful as ever. I was just thinking that I wish that I�d done things differently?

Marcie: How do you mean?

Al: I wish that I had noticed you sooner. You are a wonderful woman Marcie and my life has been so much better with you in it.

Marcie: Well I�ll just have to grant that wish for you then. (giggling)

Al (smiling): Marcie you should be careful what you say because you are an angel and wishes granted by angels do come true.

Marcie smiled back at him.

Al: Well I guess we should call it a night. I�ll call ya tomorrow, ok.

Marcie: Ok, Al

Al (kissing Marcie on the forehead): Good night, my angel.

Marcie smiled back as Al began to walk away. He kept smiling at her as he walked away until he disappeared around the corner.

Al (thinking to himself while walking back to his room): I can�t believe I ever thought that I was in love with Jen. Boy was I wrong, what I felt for her was nothing like what I�m feeling for Marcie now. I�ve never felt like this before, it�s an incredible feeling. I think my feelings for Jen were more about loving the idea that a girl like her could be with someone like me. Good thing I finally came to my senses and realized what type of person she really was. Yeah, she�s a beautiful girl on the outside but she has a horrible personality. Marcie is beautiful on the outside and she�s beautiful on the inside which makes her that much more beautiful. Damn it, Al Holden (shaking his head), how did you get so lucky to get a girl like her in your life? I wish I had only realized it sooner, all that wasted time spent fighting with each other while we were both obsessed with Jen.

Al finally made it back to his room and went over to his bed to lie down and try to get some sleep.

Al (still thinking to himself): Marcie has been so good to me, she went out of her way to help me when I needed help the most, I didn�t even realize that I needed help. It�s as though she�s a miracle sent to me from above and I can only say thank you. She put herself in danger just to help me get off the drugs and I am nothing but thankful. Damn, where the hell would I be if Marcie hadn�t come into my life�

Al dozed off to sleep.

Later Al woke up but found that he was no longer in his bed or in his room.

Al: What the� Where the hell am I? This is definitely not my room, how the hell did I get here? This looks like the bedroom at the carriage house at Llanfair but why would I be here?

At this point Al heard someone walk in the room and he turned around. As soon as he turned around, he was shocked because it was Jen.

Jen: Oh, you�re awake. Do you need some help getting into your chair?

Al (even more puzzled): Jen? What are you doing here, or better yet, what am I doing here? And what are you talking about; do I need help getting into my chair?

Jen: We live here and you�re paralyzed, remember? Are you feeling ok?

Al was speechless; he did not know what do say.

Al: Wha�what are you talking about? We never got married. (Now slightly angry) and I�m not paralyzed I thought you knew that. Cris broke up our wedding announcing the truth. (Now yelling) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL NOW JEN!!!

Jen (somewhat angry and confused): Are you going crazy, Al? We�ve been married for a year now and you are paralyzed, remember you fell off the cliff. See the wheelchair next to our bed? I mean you�ve been making progress recently but you still can�t walk completely. You have been acting a little odd recently though, very jittery. Are you sick or something? Can I get you anything?

Al (shaking his head and thinking to himself): Jen and I were never married, what is she talking about? The last thing I remember I was thinking about Marcie and now I wake up here and Jen thinks we are married. What the hell is going on?

To be continued�


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