"Al Heaven": Chapter Eight - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum. Summary: Al Has to Deal

Motel on the outskirts of town�

Al awakens to find himself shaking, and tied to a bedpost.

Al: Marcy! What? Why? YOU! Let me OUTTA THIS!!!!!

Marcy pulls her head out of a book to respond.

Marcy: Please calm down Al. I�

Al: Calm DOWN!!!? What do you think you're doing to me? What kind of sick game are you playing?

Marcy: It's for your own good. I'm sorry. I know you must hate me.

Al: Look, I don't hate you, alright? You have no idea how much I appreciate that you care about me enough to even think about doing something this crazy. Marcy, you're the only one who really cares. I know that. Just let me go and we'll forget the whole thing.

Marcy: I can't.

Al: Sure you can. You get the key, you unlock the lock, and voila!

Marcy: I'd rather do anything but this to you.

Al: Well then, it's settled. Where's the key?

Marcy: No Al.

Al can't continue in his reasoning, as he's reached his boiling point. He yanks at the bed, and stomps and flings in any direction he can reach.

Al: Where's the f---ing key, d--n it Marcy! Marcy begins to shake too. Al takes inventory again, backing off realizing he'll get nowhere by trying to bully Marcy.

Al: Look, Marcy. I'm not mad at you, but I need you to let me. I just need you. Help me please. I'm shaking so hard.

Marcy: That's what I'm trying to do.

Al: Okay Marcy. Let's say I stay here like this. It won't work though. As soon as you let me out, you know what's going to happen. You ARE going to let me go eventually right?

Marcy smiles.

Marcy: Absolutely.

Marcy's face gets serious.

Marcy: . as soon as you don't want drugs anymore.

Al: Whew! Looks like I'm getting sprung soon then! I don't want drugs anyway. I was just trying to convince you that you should let me go when I said that. I mean, look at me. I'm sweating and shaking the drugs off. I don't want them anymore so you can let me go.

Marcy: I don't think it happens that fast Al. But its great you made it this far. You are going through the hard part now. It will be over soon enough. You'll see.

Al: Marcy, do you understand that I can't sit here like a caged animal?

Al rages and tantrums again.

Al: Marcieeeeee!!!!

Al appears desperate with eyes pleading. His attention is redirected to his dry throat.

Al: WATER! I need WATER!

Marcy: I got lots of that! Here!

Al grabs the bottle of water from Marcy like a vicious animal and drinks it to the last drop with one tip of the bottle.

Al: MORE!!

Marcy hopes that Al is accepting his situation, and sets 3 bottles of water down within reach for Al. Al drinks one more, and puts the other two near him.

Al: Marcy, look at me.

Marcy: I'm looking.

Al: I beg you.

Marcy senses Al has calmed down and realizes he can't scam her out of the situation, and she approaches him to touch his cheek to let him know that he can't plead his way out either.

Marcy: I care so much, and that's why I can't.

Al grabs her hand and looks at her maniacally.

Marcy: You're scaring me Al.

Al: Isn't this what you wanted? What? You didn't KNOW what to EXPECT?

Marcy's face is covered in tears as Al shakes her.

Al: And YOU! You're the one crying???

Marcy tries with all her might to pull away from him, and get out of his grip.

Marcy: You're hurting me.

Al: I guess we'll hurt together then, BABE.

Al's eyes are now bulging, as are his veins, as adrenaline rush through his body.

Al: You're gonna pay for this, you f---ing b--ch!

Al begins to shake her and Marcy goes limp from exhaustion. She is shaking as much as Al. Marcy musters all the energy she has left.

Marcy: Fine! I hate you! Let me go and I'll get your f---ing key! To hell with you!

Al begins to relax at the thought of being freed. The adrenaline rush subsides and Al returns to his senses. He immediately lets Marcy go, but also falls to the floor, feeling his heart fall through his stomach for what he's done to Marcy. Marcy goes for the key between gasps from the anxiety attack resulting from this confrontation. Al's voice is as shaky as his body.

Al: Marcy? Oh God! Marcy! No! Oh God! I'm so sorry baby! Oh God! What have I done?

Marcy looks at Al with terror in her eyes, and throws the key at his feet.

Marcy: I don't ever want to talk to you again. I don't want to know you. Don't call me, don't contact me, don't even�

Marcy's voice turns deep, gutteral and hateful. Her face is consumed with hatred. Al feels as despised as she intends.

Marcy: .. Don't even SAY. MY. NAME.

Al: Look! Marcy! I got the key, and I'm giving it back to you! Please don't give up on me! Please! Oh God! Marcy!

Marcy turns her back in robotic movement, ignoring Al's cries for her. Al throws the key, in an act of desperation, knowing Marcy can't leave him chained up without the key. Marcy says nothing, but ceases movement toward the door without turning back around, knowing the game Al is playing.

Al: You don't want to give up on me. I know you don't. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave. I want to show you the man I can be, the man you believe I can be. I need you. You. you are my.. angel.

Marcy turns to face him, but remains closed. Her face is sour. Al reaches out to her, like he wants to hold her, or to be held by her. Marcy stays back, and just looks at him, not assured, and not trusting anything Al says or does.

Marcy: I'm going to assume it was the drugs that were to blame for your actions. But I'm not giving you the opportunity to take me for a fool if I'm wrong. I don't trust you anymore, but. I can't walk away wondering if there's a chance you might actually have a chance at working through this. Yes Al, I won't give up if you honestly want this chance. But be clear on this. If you even THINK about touching me in ANY way, you will never see the likes of me again. I will NOT be fooled twice.

Marcy sits down and begins to takes inventory of what needs to be done, as if it�s all business. Al senses that he needs to leave her alone. Al gets back onto his feet and sits on the bed to drink another bottle of water, excuses himself to go the bathroom, and returns to get under the covers in an attempt to stop shaking. Al notices that Marcy looks up at him once in a while. Al's hand rubs the area of the bed that Marcy was sleeping on. He can still smell her next to him. He looks up at her with pleading eyes, knowing that he'll find a way to back to her one way or another, even if she won't respond now. Marcy knows Al wants her to join him again to cuddle like they had before. As much as she desires his touch, to smell him, to feel him, she knows she can't.


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