"Al Heaven": Chapter Seven - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum. Summary: Marcy Kidnaps Al, Jen Plans to be Al�s Hero Motel on the outskirts of Waterside�

Al: Marcy, Will you get to the point! You brought me all the way out here to show me something!

Marcy: I'm sorry Al. I don't mean to be so mysterious.

Al: So why the big stall tactics?

Marcy: What?

Al: You wanted me to SEE something!!

Marcy: Please calm down Al. I think perhaps the drugs are hyping you up a bit. You really need to relax a bit. Here, I'll massage you.

Al: I don't WANT a massage!

Marcy's face shows her unease.

Marcy: I guess I'm a little nervous.

Realizing he's coming down too intensely on Marcy, Al gets up to sit next to her on the bed. He puts his arm around her and leans his head on hers, speaking to her with the soft spell of the voice of the night.

Al: I'm honored you trust me enough to share your secret, ya know.

Marcy turns to look at him, and catches Al's eyelids slanting toward her cleavage. She feels warm inside at the thought that Al finally sees her as a woman. Just as Marcy peers into Al's eyes to connect with him, Al slumps over.

Marcy: Oh Marcy! He wasn't leering at you, you dope! He was falling asleep, just as planned.

Marcy gets up in such a way that Al falls to the bed in the most convenient position she could have thought of. She begins to push Al into place.

Al begins to stir, but Marcy rubs her fingers softly over his brows, and whispers sweetly.

Marcy: You�re tired. Just relax and take a nap.

Al (almost inaudibly): nnnap. mmmmmm.

Al reaches for Marcy, as if to hug her like a pillow, as he slumbers. Marcy is pegged.

Marcy: I guess I'm stuck, but mmmmm is right Al.

Al is unconsciously aware of Marcy's purring, and responds unconsciously as well.

Al: mmmmmm.

Enjoying the feel of Al's arms and loving every moment of sharing his much needed peace, Marcy joins Al in sleep, knowing she'll wake up first, due to the sleep inducers she slipped Al in his drink.

Marcy: I'll have to tie you down later. I'm going to hate that. Al. Later into the night�

Marcy awakens around 5 a.m. as Al is up to go to the bathroom. She begins to worry that she should have tied him down earlier. Al returns to the bed, sleepy as ever, but not before stopping to drink some water. Marcy notices that he's beginning to shake, and thinks to herself that she's glad the sleepiness is too overwhelming for him to act on his need for more drugs.

Al looks at Marcy on the bed, as Marcy pretends to remain asleep. Al lies next to her and smiles before putting his arms around her again, to nestle for more much needed slumber.

Marcy reminds herself that it's now or never.

Noticing Al is safely back into the land of dreams, Marcy gets up and handcuffs Al's hands to a padlock with a long stretch of cord, allowing enough distance for Al to get to the bathroom, but nothing else. Marcy stares at him for a few moments, and starts to cry.

Marcy: I'm sorry I have to do this Al. I don't want you to have to feel like a caged animal, but I don't know what else to do. Marcy lies back down beside Al, and brushes a curl off his face, and notices sweat beading. She pauses and takes a deep breath.

Marcy: Here we go Al. No turning back now.

Meanwhile, at Jen and Will�s mom�s place�

Jen: Thank God Al hasn't been home, and Rex wasn't invited to the party. I don't know what I'd have done without time to think about what I'm gonna do.

Jen laughs to herself.

Jen: Rex is probably freaking-out-worried about how he's gonna plant the drugs when he can't get ahold of Al. Erasing Al's phone messages from Rex was too easy.

Jen's cell phone rings and, noticing it is Rex, she answers it.

Back and forth from the Jen and Will�s mom�s place to Rex's place during a phone call from Rex to Jen�

Jen: Hi Rex.

Rex: Hea Jen. I can't help but think about that raincheck. I've been thinking about you like crazy.

Jen: I was hoping you'd call me.

Jen takes a moment to consider the implications of Rex's call. She laughs on the inside, and a smirk is seen on her face, because she knows Rex is probably trying to use her to get into brother's apartment to plant drugs in Al's room.

Rex: Are you laughing?

Jen: You must want me bad.

Rex: You are such a, well let's just say,. fun girl, aren't you? You know how hot you are.

Jen wants to laugh again, this time over Rex's lame attempt at trying to woo her to bed through compliments. She holds her tongue and plays the game.

Jen: Flattery will get you everywhere with me.

Rex: I'll have to remember that. Actually, I can't wait for you to show me exactly what it will get me. Are you at your brother's place as usual?

Jen: Yeah, my mom�s place isn't very private.

Rex: Great, then let's hook up at your brother's place. He's cool right?

Jen snickers to herself, loving the power she feels. She thinks about how easy it is to yank Rex's chain.

Jen: On second thought, that might not be cool. I'll come over to your place.

Rex is frustrated, and doesn't want to lose the opportunity to get into Al's room.

Rex: Oh, I'm sure its cool with your brother.

Jen considers the possibility of having Rex come over. She could call the police as he's arrived, or video-cam Al's room. But she considers how the plan could backfire, and she could end up having to sleep with Rex anyways.

Worse, it could backfire so badly that Al ended up framed after all. She knows she has to act fast though, because her window of opportunity will close if she doesn't handle it right.

Rex: Are you still there?

Jen realizes she flaked on her conversation with Rex.

Jen: Yes, can you hear me now? We must have a bad connection. So I'll be over in a few minutes.

Jen gulps, realizing she needs to gain Rex's trust, and take time to get a failsafe plan into action.

Jen thinks to herself: I might have to sleep with him, but I can probably avoid it if I plan it well. But then, he would trust me more if I were his girl. When Al realizes I saved him from Rex and Brad's plan, and that I did it all for him, he'll be so amazed that it won't matter that I slept with Rex again. I think. At this rate, I don't have Al anyway, so what do I have to lose? I have to do something to get Al to realize how much he means to me, and that I'd make him so happy if he gave me another chance. He's the only man who ever really cared about me.

Rex: Another bad connection?

Rex is thinking about how he can play Jen for a couple days to get into Al's room.

Jen: No baby, just daydreaming about your hot body.

Rex looks at the phone and seems a little intrigued by the idea that Jen is into him. For a moment he forgets that he's using her. His body heats up.

Rex: I like the sound of that.


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