"Al Heaven": Chapter Five - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum.

Summary: Jen Finds Out About Rex, Marcy Wants to Help Al

At Will and Al�s apartment, Al hears a knock and answers the door.

Al: Jen, hi, uh, you're brother's not here.

Jen: Can I come in anyway?

Al moves aside.

Al: Yeah, sure, of course. Make yourself at home. Whatcha up to? Jen: I just wanted to be somewhere I don't have to talk to anybody. Living at the with my mom is not working well. It's Grand Central Station.

Al: Sorry.

Al turns to walk away to give her some space.

Jen: No. Al. I didn't mean it like that.

Al: If you need a place to feel safe and be left alone, I'm cool with that.

Jen winces, with regret over this man, whose consideration knows no boundary. But she is quickly back in the present moment, scared the time for Al has passed. Yet, there was this lingering hope of the possibility.

Al is picking up books and readying himself to leave.

Jen: Where are you going?

Al: I'm meeting Marcy.

Jen: You're really into studying.

Al: Yeah, you should think about getting back into it. You're an intelligent and special girl, and I'd hate to see it all go to waste because of everything you're going through. Maybe you take some time off, and get back to it. If there's anything I can do to help, you know I'm your friend. Jen stands up, smiling, and turns to Al with a special spark in her eyes, hoping Al is taking her bait.

Jen: I'll be fine. But Al, thank you for still caring about me. It means so much to me.

Al is unmoved, looking forward to seeing Marcy, and thinking about how she dotes on him, and has a crush on him as the voice, wondering if she'd like him if she knew who the voice really is.

Al: As always, your call. Anyways, I'll see you later. Enjoy the apartment. I don't think Will will be back for a while.

Jen realizes that he is not taking her bait at all, as his responses point more to the idea that he is more interested in getting out of dodge. Al has a silly grin on his face from his thoughts of Marcy, and Jen feels her heart sink through her stomach, knowing it's not for her, and secretly wondering if it were possible that a girl like Marcy could land the man she wants.

Jen: Thanks.

Jen hugs him, pretending it was just a carefree goodbye for now. Jen didn't really want to be alone. It was an excuse to be with Al. Al leaves without any recognition of Jen's plays for him. Jen is left alone once again, and knowing that she didn't really want to be alone, she dials Rex, the bad boy.

Jen: You want some company?

Rex is seen talking to Jen on the phone from his apartment. He stopped to think. He had nothing to do, and he thought about how enjoying Jen's gifts could be amusing, whatever her reasons are.

Rex: I'm off today. Come over.

Jen: I'll see you in a few minutes.

A little while later, Rex hears a knock on the door and mumbles to himself.

Rex: Jen you have got to be a stalker to be here this quick.

Rex opens the door to find Brad, the drug dealer, staring at him.

Rex: Hea Brad, what's up?

Brad: Can I come in?

Rex steps out the doorway allowing Brad to enter.

Brad: I think the police are on to me. Can you stash this?

Unnoticed by Brad and Rex, Jen walks up and is behind the door, which is left ajar. She overhears Rex' startling reaction to Brad's request, and remains behind the door realizing she stumbled into something she might want to listen to.

Rex: Jeez man! You can't just hand me all these drugs!

Brad: Serious payoff involved. And, by the way, here's your last cut from the sales from Holden,

Rex: So you want me to help out, just until you're back up and running, right? What do you think Al's gonna do without you to get more from?

Brad: That would be your problem. Just make sure Holden knows not to even come to me to ask. He's starting to blow it. There won't be any more sales from him anyway. He's sold me everything he has of value. He's worthless.

Rex appears lost in thought.

Brad: Rex, man, where are you? I need your help.

Rex: You know, come to think of it, we could use Holden.

Brad: Yeah?

Rex: If you're willing to let go of some of this stash.

Brad's face gets serious.

Rex: We plant it on him, and you point in his directions when the keystone cops start asking questions.

Jen's mouth drops, and she can feel her heart sinking through her stomach.

Rex: I got a girl coming over. I'll get rid of her and take care of this.

Jen realizes that she has to pretend everything's normal so she knocks on the door knowing that they won't suspect she's heard anything at this point in the conversation.

Brad motions that he's leaving, and Rex stashes the drugs under his couch seat cushions before walking to the door to greet Jen, and let Brad out. Rex shudders, realizing he left the door open, but is thankful that nothing came of it. He doesn't let on to Brad.

Rex: See ya later Brad. Hea Jen.

Jen smiles, walks in, and puts her purse down.

Jen: So you gonna offer me a drink?

Rex: You know, come to think of it, I completely forgot I'm supposed to be somewhere. I'm sorry Jen. Raincheck?

Jen plays it off.

Jen: You ask me to come over just to tell me to leave? WhatEVER! I'm outta here!

Jen leaves, and drives back toward her brother's place, wondering how she can use the information to her advantage to get back Al, the only man who might actually be the only one who would be there for her on the level that she needs, but worries the drugs might have changed him. She wonders if she is the only one who knows about his problem, if he would be with her if she accepted that about him, or tried to rescue him. She could call the police. She could warn Al. She could tell her brother, who might be at risk since he shares his apartment with Al. She could try to intercept Rex's package, and be a last minute hero. The only thing she knows is that she will not let Al be made into a fool. That's her job, she laughs to herself.

Meanwhile, at Marcy's place

Marcy: Al, let's go somewhere, for a few days. You could use a few days to relax after all you've been through. Maybe if you could relax, you could take the time to get off the drugs. We could get away, and forget about the world. I have money in savings. I'll take care of it. I could use a vacation anyway.

Al's eyes peer into hers, realizing the depth of Marcy's concern for him.

Al: You'd do that for me?

Marcy: You're my friend.

Al: How would you know that I didn't take a stash with me? Marcy's brows furrow.

Marcy: I, I just, I don't think you'd do that considering I'm using my savings.

Al: So, you trust me even though I'm a loser on drugs?

Marcy: You're not a loser.

Marcy pauses, and reaches up to Al's face.

Marcy: You're wonderful, and you can't give up on life.

Al looks down, and then again into Marcy's eyes.

Al: I wish I could be the man you believe I am. Sometimes you make me think.

nevermind. I don't think it will work.

Marcy: You have to try.

Al: I can't let you do it.

Marcy: Fine. I'll figure something else out.


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