"Al Heaven": Chapter Four - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

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Summary: Will is Passed Over for Band, Marcy Confronts Al Al and Will are at their apartment.

Al and Will are at their apartment.

Will: Where have you been? I haven�t seen you in, what, a week?

Al: Carnival

Will: With who?

Al blushes.

Will: Now you really have to tell me.

Al: Marcy.

Will pauses.

Will: I see�. She�s cute, seems pretty sweet.

Al: It�s not like that. So what�s new?

Will: Seems little miss thing, Flash, beat me to the punch in this town.

Al: What do you mean?

Will: The guys I was trying to get together for a band? They want HER! Thing is, the girl is seriously talented.

Al: If you really want to stay in Waterside, and this is the game in town� hmmm� Well, maybe they could use you. Perhaps Flash might like some male vocals added to some of her songs, maybe you could get them excited about having two front people. I mean, your songs are great. Maybe Flash could do something with them, and you all throw your chips in together. And you have some experience in the business side of things. There are so many people who�d probably take advantage of them. I heard the owner of that jazz club tried to scam them already.

Will: Mile a minute mouth... musical ideas.. hmmmm. Where do I know your �voice� from?

Al�s eyes open wide.

Will: C�mon, I know. I won�t tell a soul. I don�t suppose you could help us with some airplay� I mean, assuming your rather brilliant idea about hooking up with Flash�s band works out.

Al grins.

Al: I swear man� no telling anyone� not your sister, especially not her, nobody.

Will nods.

Will: You okay?

Al: Tired, but I gotta run again soon.

Will: I understand about the hours, but I also know what happens to people who burn the candle at both ends. I�m worried about you.

Al: Join the club.

Al wanders off to his room, picks up the phone and dials.

Al: Mom, the hundred didn�t cover all the expenses. Do you think� (pause)

Al: Mom, please don�t. I can pick up my books. Besides, I could use a few bucks for other things, like normal human beings do. I don�t want to take any money that you need though� only if you have it. (pause)

Al: Mom, look, nevermind. It�s okay. I gotta go.

Al (to himself after he hangs up the phone): There�s gotta be a way to get some money. I gotta get though the night.

The phone rings.

Al: Marcy, yeah, how about tomorrow, at the university, bright and early�

Marcy: Remember, no school on Sunday. Let�s just make an exception and meet at the diner.

Al thinks for a moment. It�s been months since the incident, and it was Will that hit Cris.

Al: Yeah, sure, 9 am?

Marcy: You bet.

Al showers and heads for the station for another sleepless night as the voice, only to face another day, and Marcy at the diner.

The next morning, at the diner�

Marcy: Maybe I should schedule all our meetings early. I mean, you�re on time Al.

Marcy turns.

Marcy: Hi, Ms. Holden.

Ms. Holden/Gabrielle: Marcy, I told you� you must call me Gabrielle.

Al: Mom, hi, you�re up early.

Gabrielle: I could say the same for you. Marcy dear, thanks so much for all your help. Al tells me he�s getting almost straight A�s. College costs, however, are just out of control these days.

Marcy looks confused.

Al: Yeah, its crazy mom.

Gabrielle: Well, since I ran into you here, here�s the money you need.

Gabrielle turns to Maria to pay for the order she called in.

Gabrielle: Al, we must get together soon. I know you�re studying and I�m glad you�re working so hard with Marcy, but please promise me you�ll find some time for your mum soon.

Al hugs his mother, and she turns to leave with the food she purchased for breakfast. Marcy grabs Al�s elbow and walks him to a private place to speak.

Al: Owww.. that hurts.

Marcy: What is all this about extorting money from your mom? I see you hanging out with that drug dealer, Brad, and I see how jumpy you are. I wasn�t born yesterday.

Al gives Marcy a dumbfounded look.

Al: Whatever.

Marcy: Al, I�m worried. You have so much going for you!

Al: Like what?

Marcy: We just celebrated your grades yesterday!

Marcy pauses, and then continues.

Marcy: It�s Jen isn�t it? Is that it? You can�t deal with life because of her?

Al: What do you care?

Marcy scowls, and turns to leave.

Al: Wait! I didn�t mean to snap at you. I know you care, and that�s not something I take for granted. I know you are just concerned.

Marcy: Will cares too. He's your friend. Or is that about Jen too?

Al: What difference does it make to you? Aren�t you in love with the voice, the philosopher extraordinaire, Mr. Perfection in the flesh, or NOT. Marcy�s brows furrow. Her desire to console him is sobered by the probability of his drug problem.

Marcy: You, you are a great guy too, you know� You have so much potential.

Al: You and too rhyme� What poetry Marcy, just like the voice no less. Potential huh? You mean, if I wasn�t a drug fiend?

Marcy: I can�t talk to you like this. I�ll call you to reschedule.

Al: Wait, I�m sorry Marcy.

Marcy pauses before she turns back around.

Marcy: Al, please think about what you�re doing. I�m not going to argue.

Only you know the truth. I am your friend, always. We�ll talk later, I promise.

Marcy leaves with a troubled look. Al sits down, and pushes his hair back, realizing that he can�t keep his problem a secret much longer.


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