"Al Heaven": Chapter Three - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

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Summary: Al and Marcy Connect

Al and Marcy, a friend of Jen�s, the peer tutor Al�s parents hired for him, are at Waterside University, after her insistence that she can�t trust herself to study at the diner. She�s intelligent and pretty, but is familiar with the sting of rejection due to her weight and she doesn�t like to tempt herself. Al didn�t mention not going to the diner worked for him too, because of what happened between Cris and Will. But that�s Al for you. He doesn�t say more than he has to, unless he feels like it. Marcy: You not only passed, you got some A's! Well, one B, but it's great!

Al (with a smirk): All thanks to your genius, of course.

Marcy smiles, and Al notices her devotion of sorts. Al's eyebrows furrow in curiosity about Marcy, and speaks to her with a certain in his voice and facial expressions.

Al: You, uh, wanna celebrate with me?

Marcy's eyes open wide, and her head begins to bow, and then bounces up and down, in a dorky sort of way. A few seconds later, after Al amuses himself in her giddiness, a barely recognizable "uh-huh" is heard from her.

Al takes her hand, directing her out the door. Marcy glances from his hand to his face, searching for meaning, barely taking the time to notice where she's walking.

Marcy: So, where are we going?

Al: The diner, for some sundaes.

Al looks to Marcy for a reaction, with a big grin on his face. Marcy looks like she sat on a cactus as she pulls her hand away from Al's. Al is unable to control his laughter.

Al: Hea, Marcy, I'm kidding. I'm sorry.

Marcy playfully pushes Al on the shoulder, with a huge grin as she shakes her head. Al has a coy look on his face.

Al: I was actually thinking about something more private.

Marcy blushes, and looks to the ground, uncertain how to react, and uncertain about where Al is going with it. Al continues.

Al: Since you are foregoing sundaes, and I'm not really hungry, I was thinking about the carnival down the street that just opened.

Marcy's face relaxes and melts into unbridled enthusiasm.

Marcy: Yeah, ok. sure! I love rides! How about you?

Al: Even the crazy ones?

Marcy (teasingly): Do I look like a wimp?

Al: Marcy, you are many things, but a wimp you are definitely not.

Marcy: What's that supposed to mean?

Al: Ohh.. nuh.. nnn. Marcy. Look, Jen told me what happened with that guy you liked, Joe. I mean, that takes guts to tell someone you are interested. I couldn�t do it.

Marcy's eyebrows now furrow, as her head drops again. Al realizes he put his foot in his mouth again, and leans into toward Marcy to look up at her, into her eyes, with sincerity.

Al: Marcy... his loss.

Marcy regains composure, assured by Al's response.

Marcy: Jen shouldn't have told you. She's supposed to be my friend.

Al doesn't want to harm Marcy further though diatribes about the falseness of Jen's friendship, so he paused to think about a response.

Al: It's my fault. I bumped into Jen. We got to talking. I mean, I wanted to express my concern about what she was going though. I wasn't trying to get back with her or anything, if that's what you're thinking, uh, not that you are.

Marcy (with severity): And.

Al: I had you on my mind I guess. I know you two are friends, and I mentioned that I noticed some serious reactions from you whenever Joe is around. Her eyes gave her away. She didn't offer it or anything. I insisted Marcy.

Marcy: Why did you do that? It's none of your business.

Al (with shoulders slumping): Please don't be mad at me.

Marcy (heatedly): Why did you want to stick your nose in it? Nevermind! Forget about it.

Marcy lightens her voice.

Marcy: You've been my friend. Heck, you treat me better than Jen ever did.

I�ll never forget how you tried to find out who that mysterious voice is for me, because you knew how much it means for me to meet him. I'm going to assume the best about this.

Al: (with hestitation he�s hiding) Thanks. And Marcy, you deserve better friends than Jen. You know that right?

Marcy looks up at Al with a silly grin.

Al (laughingly): Actually, lots of people would treat you better than Jen.

Marcy: Al, that's (giggle) not funny.

Al: Then why are you laughing? Have you finally figured out that you have much more going for you than Jen? You're a great girl.

Marcy: I'm realistic.

Al shakes his head to emote how wrong she is. Al speaks, as his fingers brush Marcy's cheek softly.

Al: About what? What could Jen possibly have over you?

Marcy: You make me feel good about myself.

Al: I could say the same about you. Isn't that what friends do? I mean, friends who actually care.

Marcy's mind starts to wander, as her eyes rest on Al's full lips, with a passing thought about the fact that he only thinks of her as a friend. She reminds herself that it's the voice that she really wants to get to know anyways.

Al: And the green moon men landed on an unknown planet, carrying pogo sticks. Marcy! I just asked you a question� Yes, you are ready or no, you are not?

Marcy: What?

Al: Where did you go?

Marcy: I'm sorry Al. What were you saying?

Al laughs.

Al: Apparently you aren't as intrigued with the sound of my voice like you are with the voice's.

Marcy: I'm sorry Al. I mean, you sort of sound like him actually. Gosh, me, and my stupid crush on the voice would probably drive anyone to jokes. His voice just drives the sanity from my mind.

Al: I guess you have it bad for that guy.

Marcy: I can't help it. I feel. Look I know it sounds crazy. I mean, I really don�t know him, except I sense who he is.. I mean, well� but� I dunno� I feel like we have a true connection. I have to get to know him, somehow, someway.

Al changes the subject, quick.

Al: I was asking if you wanted to go in, since I just finished purchasing the tickets.

Marcy: Oh, we're here!

Al: C'mon.

Al reaches for her hand.


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