"Al Heaven": Chapter Seventeen - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum.

Summary: Jen Reaches out to Marcy, Al and Marcy Connect Physically

Will and Al�s Place�

Will: Jeez, man. You look like hell.

Al: Thanks.

Will: Serious! What.. I mean, what�s the deal?

There is a pause. Al looks at the floor and then into Will�s eyes. Al�s eyes are moist, and intent. His lips are quivering.

Al: I was gonna tell Marcy about who I am.

Will: The voice? That�s great! So how is that a problem?

Al: Marcy thinks the voice is a sex fiend, messing with all the women at the station.

Will: Whaaa?

Will�s hand flies up in a gesture that signifies the inanity of the idea.

Al: What�s worse� She thinks I�m having an affair with Janine.

Will: But how?

Al: Marcy stopped by the station, and overheard I was sleeping with Janine.

Will looks at Al with a quizzical look.

Al: Oh� oh no man! I haven�t been with her, even at our housewarming party.

I was just yanking Jen�s chain and Janine went along with it.

Will: Then be up front with Marcy, and explain she misunderstood! Life tends to always give you reasons to put stuff off. The longer you wait, the more she�ll wonder why you didn�t say anything in the first place.

Al: Marcy said she wouldn�t want to be with anyone who�d sleep with someone as, uh, sophisticated as Janine. It�s not like I haven�t thought about it.

Will�s eyes move as he considers Al�s predicament.

Will: If you weren�t with Marcy, would you enjoy the company of a woman like Janine?

Al: What difference does it really make? I wasn�t with her. I mean, dude, I wasn�t.

Will: Lots. Look, she�ll understand. Just don�t start a pattern of hiding who you really are from her.

Al: So I tell her that I�m some horn dog when I didn�t even do it? Will: No, but what I�m saying is that you have to be real with her.

You�ve got to learn to trust each other, or you�ve got nothing.

Al: Yeah man, and you are THEE EXPERT right? Dude, I am SO jealous of you great relationship with� uh� oh yeah, you aren�t WITH anyone, unless, of course, you take into account your obse�uh, one-way relationship with Flash.

Will�s face goes sour, painfully so, and just stares at Al. He looks down, and bobs his head gently. He begins to walk away.

Al: I�m sorry Will.

Will doesn�t turn around, but stops and speaks (in a gutteral, robotic tone).

Will: I know I�m alone.

He pauses, and feigns an over-the-top laugh.

Will: You�re right! What the hell do I know?

Will continues toward his room.

Al frowns and his eyebrows furrow. His arm reaches out slightly as if he wants to go to Will, but he holds back, knowing Will enough to know he needs space.

Jen and her mom�s place�

Marcy and Jen are visiting with each other.

Jen: I�m glad you took me up on coming over.

Marcy: I�m curious why you called me over. Since when do you care about my life?

Jen: It�s not simple. I know I�m horrible. But I know that I don�t want to lose you.

Marcy�s eyebrows furrow, and she looks up at Jen, looking for sincerity.

Marcy: You were going through a lot. I always wanted to believe you have a good heart, that I wasn�t wrong about that.

Jen: You have no idea what that means to me. I don�t even know what its like to have a friend like you were to me, and�

Jen�s eyes well up, and she walks toward Marcy, showing intentions of a hug.

Marcy senses it and smiles at her, with her eyes welling up too. Jen recognizes Marcy�s generosity, and the two girls embrace.

Marcy: So you wanted to make up?

Jen: That, and�

Marcy looks at Jen quizzically.

Jen sits down, and gestures for Marcy to as well.

Jen: Rex tried to frame Al with drugs. I don�t know if Al told you because I asked him to give me a week to let me tell you.

Marcy: Why?

Jen: Because�

Jen leans forward. Her story starts slow and calm, but builds in intensity.

Jen: The way it all happened. It almost happened, and all because I tried to play the hero. I should have called the police. I should have told Will and Al. But I didn�t. The only reason Rex didn�t get away with it is because I inadvertently caught him in the act.

Marcy looks like she sat on a cactus, and then leans in.

Marcy: What was you plan?

Jen gets up to pour water for Marcy, and herself.

Jen: Look, I didn�t think he�d be able to do it without me inviting him over, and I was going to videotape him, be this big hee-roe.

Jen hands Marcy her water.

Marcy: Well, ya know, maybe you shouldn�t be so down on yourself. You wanted to be a hero, and it all worked out. You didn�t want to hurt anyone.

Marcy pauses then continues.

Marcy: A hero for, uh, Al right?

Jen turns to put her water down in the opposite direction of Marcy, so Marcy will not notice her expressions.

Jen: Well, considering all I did to him�

Marcy: So after all is said and done, you have some feelings for him? Jen�s heart leaps, but she does not give up her composure. She turns back around to face Marcy.

Jen (in a laughing tone): Feelings? For, uh, Al?

Marcy: Well, you said�

Jen cuts her off.

Jen: I owed him. Simple as that.

Marcy: Ah, so why the big secret?

Jen sits back down.

Jen: It�s not really� I just didn�t want Al making a big deal of it with you, and I felt guilty for playing with his life. I had to tell you myself since we haven�t been close, and I didn�t want it to make things worse between� us� Marcy� us.

Marcy looks at Jen skeptically.

Marcy: But that�s all right?

Jen smiles.

Jen: He�s head over heels in love with you Marcy.

Marcy puts her drink down.

Marcy: And if he wasn�t?

Jen laughs.

Jen: Come on! After what went down between Al and I?

Marcy: Well, you don�t know what you are missing! He is soooo�

Jen: I know, but some people aren�t meant for each other.

Marcy: Fair enough, I�ll buy that. So who do you like these days then? Joe seems to like you. He�s not seeing Sarah. I still can�t believe I once liked him and hit on him. He really handled it well though. He�s a great guy.

Jen: Did he say something about me?

Marcy: Only with his eyes every time your name comes up.

Jen smiles slyly. Marcy teases.

Marcy: You do like him!

Jen: Who wouldn�t? I didn�t think he would be into a girl like me.

Marcy: You�re beautiful, smart, and lest we forget� a wannabe hero!

Jen: Stop it! I�m not holding my breathe for our double date.

Marcy: That would be awesome though.

Later that day, at Will and Al�s place, where Marcy is now staying temporarily�

Al walks in with a flower and some take-out. He smiles at Marcy and Marcy smiles back.

Marcy: So what�s the occasion?

Al: It�s an official welcome as my houseguest.

Marcy: You didn�t have to.

Al: Ah, but yes I did. Besides, there�s something I need to talk to you about.

Marcy: More news, huh?

Al: Why?

Marcy: Jen told me about her heroic stunt.

Al�s eyes widen.

Al: Yeah, pretty intense.

Marcy: How did that make you feel?

Al: Feel?

Marcy: Jen caring about you.

Al: Oh, yeah. She�s really turned a corner, hasn�t she?

Al bends forward over Marcy who is sitting, and looks into her eyes with love, and speaks in the tone of the voice.

Al: I don�t feel that way about, uh, her, ya know?

Al�s eyes look into hers seductively, and leans in further to kiss her. Marcy�s arms wrap around Al. She reaches down Al�s back, caressing him as her lips move passionately with Al�s. She reaches further, and pulls Al�s body against hers, longingly. Al feels his body respond to his aching for her, but he pulls back.

Marcy: It�s okay Al. I want you. I think about you like this. And I�m going out of my mind with desire for you.

Al moves across and cups his face with his hand, trying to maintain composure, even as his body is betraying him.

Al: Ohhhh� Marcy� Angel�. Oh man�

Al can barely breathe, let alone speak.

Al: I want you so bad.

Marcy begins to tease her blouse down.

Al: But�

Even as Al tries to speak to her, he watches her movements with awe and lust� He takes a deep breathe to show her that he�s loving her advances even if he�s putting on the brakes.

Al: I need to talk to you first.

Marcy: I don�t want to talk. Whatever it is, it wouldn�t change how much I want you, right here, right now.

Al: Oh God� I want you baby.


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