"Al Heaven": Chapter Fourteen - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum.

Summary: Al and Marcy Admit their Feelings

Later that evening, at Marcy's Place�

After hearing a knock, Marcy opens the door to find Al, holding flowers.

Marcy's face lights up.

Al: I probably should have called but.

Marcy: They're beautiful Al! Did I forget something special?

Al: How could that be? You ARE what's special.

Marcy bites her lip and blushes.

Al: You're supposed to be studying tonight. I know. Maybe you'd like a study buddy?

Marcy: You want to STUDY with me?

Al: I want to do everything with you.

Marcy blushes again, and stares down.

Al: Marcy, I don't mean. uh, I mean.

Marcy: I ran out of your room yesterday!

Al: Marcy, I never want to scare you away like that.

Marcy: Oh no Al! You don't scare me. I mean, not anymore. I'm just. I. I'm not sure I. uh.

Al: I'm under your spell. Don't you know how crazy I am about you? I'll just have to find another way to show you how I feel, and one day.

Al finishes the sentence without words, but facial gestures. Al looks into Marcy's eyes with the conclusion.

Marcy: Show me how you feel? Whoa. I wish� that. I wish I could show you what you mean to me Al.

Al's eyes widen. He takes Marcy's hand and kisses it.

Al: Only when you are ready, because I want it to be the most wonderful moment of your life. like it will be for me.

Al pauses, but before Marcy can respond, he speaks.

Al: Maybe I can show you how I feel.

Marcy: The flowers are a great start.

Al smiles big.

Al: You like them? I wasn't sure. I'm not really knowledgeable about what kind of flowers to get.

Marcy: Are you kidding? They're gorgeous!

Al: Not as gorgeous as you.

Marcy: Stop!

Al finishes helping her arrange the flowers in a vase, and then turns to gain her full attention.

Al: You don't realize how beautiful you are, do you?

Marcy: The way you say it, I can almost believe it.

Al: C'mere.

Al leads her to stand before her full-length mirror. He stands behind her, with his arms around her waist.

Al: Look at us! Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?

Al lifts one arm away to caress her cheek as she looks on.

Al: Marcy, you are a stunning woman.

Al moves his fingers to trace her lips.

Al: Please tell me you see what's right here in front of you.

Marcy (tearfully): I see a man who might actually believe what he's saying.

But I know what I am.

Al: An ANGEL!!!

Marcy: No Al! A woman who is far too overweight for a prince.

Marcy turns in his arms to look into his face.

Marcy: A prince like you.

Al is overwhelmed. He drops, taking Marcy down with him, to their knees.

Al: I burn with passion for you! You electrify me!

Al pulls her head toward him to kiss her as if fevered with desire. Marcy feels her body responding, and though the sensations terrify her on one level, they are thrilling her on another. Her arms entwine around Al, as her lips move rhythmically with Al's, and her body slips toward his chest, as if drawn to him magnetically. Al does not pull her down this time, which reassures Marcy. Al begins to feel more tears on Marcy's face, and he pulls away, scared she is in over her head.

Al: Marcy, you're crying.

Marcy (beaming from ear to ear): Al. it's okay. I'm not upset.

Al: But�

Marcy: They aren't tears of sadness. They�

Al looks up to smile and just looks into her eyes with amazement. His head tilts, as if to try to study the moment.

Marcy: All these emotions just rushed through me, and it was like I never wanted to the moment to end, and I felt like if. if. if I died in that moment, ya know, I wouldn't have missed a thing.

Al: That's how it should feel when we're together.

Al pulls Marcy to his chest.

Al: I feel the same way you do, if you didn't already know it.

Al pulls back and brushes his hand over her cheek again. Marcy's eyes glisten, and stay with Al's.

Al: What you're describing. I know that you love me Marcy. Now don't say anything until I'm finished. The thing is�

Al's eyes look deeply into Marcy's with absolute certainty.

Al: I� I love you.

Marcy is entranced, her eyes furrow, and she begins to search his eyes.

Marcy: Oh Al! I love you! I love you too! I love you so very much!

They embrace with huge smiles, and fall back into a sitting position with Marcy's head on Al's chest.

Al: I really do want to help you study.

Marcy: I couldn't concentrate if I tried. I have time.

Al: We have all the time in the world, angel.

Al kisses her head. Marcy looks up.


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