"Al Heaven": Chapter Thirteen - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum.

Summary: Marcy is Mistaken About the Voice, Al and Jen Ride

The Radio Station�

Marcy walks in and finds Janine and Tasha.

Marcy: I�m looking for the voice.

Janine smiles slyly.

Janine: He�s not here. Is there something I can do for you?

Marcy: Uh, no. Thanks though. It�s just that he wasn�t around that whole week, and before that, he didn�t seem well.

Janine: Oh, you�re the girl who left the flowers.

Marcy: Did he get them?

Janine: Sorry sweetie. I put them in water so that they would keep, but he didn�t return in time. The card is someone, but the place is such a mess, and it probably got forgotten.

Marcy: Look, its okay. I just wanted to see if he�s okay. I don�t know who he is, but he makes a difference. I wanted him to know that.

Janine: You interested in him?

Marcy: I�m seeing someone.

Janine�s eyebrow raises.

Marcy: Well, I was interested in him, and even though I�m falling in love with someone else, the voice is still special to me, as a friend, well, even though we don�t know each other, if that makes any sense.

Janine: You obviously care. You�ll be happy to hear that he�s doing better than ever. I think he�s seeing someone actually.

Marcy: Good for him. Listen then, no message. Just thanks for letting me know. Nice meeting you.

Janine: Nice meeting you. My name is Janine by the way.

Marcy: Oh, my name is Marcy.

Tasha: Have a good day Marcy.

Marcy: You too. Uh, bye now.

Marcy approaches the door to leave. Janine speaks to Tasha.

Janine: If that girl only knew how hot our voice man is.

Tasha: You should know.

Janine shakes her head and speaks with her eyes, letting Tasha know that nothing really happened, but Marcy only overhears the last part. Janine and Tasha are unaware that Marcy heard a thing. Marcy smiles, and speaks to herself as she closes the door behind her quietly.

Marcy: Well, if she�s his type, he wasn�t for me anyway.

Will and Al�s Place�

Jen walks in while Will and Al are talking.

Will: Hey Jen. What�s up?

Jen: I swear I feel like I live here. I�m never at home with mom. Nothing is actually up really. I was just running around town on my new motorcycle.

Al: It�s nice.

Jen: It�s my baby. You wanna take it for a spin Al?

Jen has a huge grin on her face, and she winks at Al.

Jen: It will only cost sharing the keys to your bike.

Al: You wanna ride that huh?

Jen: Your motorcycle!

Al: I knew what you meant.

Al shakes his head, amused.

Jen: What�s so funny?

Al: You. Shouldn�t you be studying or something?

Jen: I will, but I wanna go for a ride at the moment.

Al heads to the door.

Al: You don�t have to twist my arm. You�re on.

As Al and Jen leave, Will is left speechless, but his thoughts race.

Will: I hope you know what you�re doing Jen.

Streets of Waterside�

Al and Jen cruise quietly through the city streets, and head off to a more secluded destination on the outskirts, to ride wild. Jen spins into a perfect stop, as if she were in a movie. Al yells out.

Al: Be careful. You remember what happened to me!

Jen: Don�t you trust me?

Jen jumps off, and Al follows suit. Jen starts running.

Al: Where are you going?

Jen: I have no idea, and I like it that way!

Al runs after her, and speaks to her just as he comes up on her.

Al: I can�t just let you wander into nowhere by yourself. Jen twists around to look at Al, but accidentally causes him to stumble. Al knocks Jen over, and he lands on her, face first.

Jen: Al! You okay?

Before Al has a chance to pull up from Jen, he feels her breathing deeply.

Al starts to get off of her as he speaks.

Al: I�m hurting you.

Jen reaches for Al to reassure him that he is not. However, her tug incidentally pulled his groin into hers. Al�s body is set on fire. He responds with a soft groan, and grabs Jen�s hips, as he looks into her eyes.

Jen senses him, wide-eyed, and is beginning to fever with desire. Her eyes roll to the back of her head. Al, however, at the thought of going any further, begins to regain his senses, even as he recognizes his body�s response to her. Jen senses his confusion, and pushes him away, and begins to laugh.

Jen: What do you think you�re doing?

Al: Seeing how far you�d take it.

Jen: Like I�d really sleep with you again.

Al�s face turns sour.

Al: Let�s go back.

Jen: We really should talk. Look, I�

Al: Forget it.

Jen: No, I need to say this.

Al: What?

Jen: Being cruel... its just something I fall back to sometimes. I don�t mean to be.

Al: Why would you want to be cruel to me, even unconsciously?

Jen: We were starting to do something that neither of us wanted to do. I mean, its not that you aren�t attractive, or that I... Oh Al, if I met you under different circumstances, when I was open to something real, well� it's pointless to go down that road. We went through a difficult time, and we ended up in a compromising position just now. I don�t want to mess up our friendship because we decide to complicate matters by having a moment of primal pleasure together. What�s more, I don�t want you to have to regret anything more with me, and you would regret it Al. You love Marcy. I know that. I love Marcy too. You don�t want me. You want Marcy. I�d even venture to guess that she isn�t ready for something like this, and you have needs. Am I getting close?

Al gulps, and his eyes are wet. He�s clearly trembling.

Al: I�m scared Jen.

Jen puts her arms around Al.

Jen: Tell me about it. I can�t figure out my life from one minute to the next. But why are you scared Al?

Al: Marcy would never understand.

Jen lets go and looks into Al�s eyes.

Jen: Nothing happened. There�s nothing you have to feel you�ve hidden from her. No sense in bringing up something that almost but didn�t happen. To tell you the truth, it was your hesitation that brought us to our senses. It was your love for Marcy. It matters. It counts. You can�t just dismiss that.

Al: Jen, you really are my friend. I didn�t really realize it until this minute. You tried to make things up to me as a friend with the Rex situation, but I still didn�t get it.

Jen: You have no idea how much that means to me. I don�t have a lot of friends. Marcy has stood by me through the worst, and I�m finally beginning to appreciate what I have in her. And you two are together. I�d like to think we�d double date or something goofy like that, and find out what its like to have real friends, real relationships. I�m not sure I�ve ever been good at them.

Al smiles.

Al: I can�t believe how much you�ve grown.

Jen: I�ve had to. Listen, we should get back. It was fun riding your bike.

You wanna switch back now?

Al: Yeah, sure.


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