"Al Heaven": Chapter Twelve - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

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Summary: Flash is Sarah, Will Decides Not to Pursue Her, Marcy is Not Ready

Will and Al�s place�

Flash: Will, snap, snap, where did you go? I mean, I really need to know.

Will: Sorry, what were you saying?

Flash: Your mind is elsewhere. Maybe we can talk about the deal another time.

Will reaches for Flash.

Will: Don�t� please.

Will smiles, and Flash looks down at his hands, and then up again. Flash responds playfully, removing his hand and giggling, as if he was just kidding around. Will frowns slightly, but gets back to business.

Will: Well, I do want to hear what I missed. I can�t possibly make any choices without knowing what you want, uh, ya know, your opinion about the situation.

Flash: That means a lot to me. You�re the right guy for the job.

Will: I�m glad. I�m really devoted to you, [pause with a shake of the head] the band.

Flash�s eyebrows furrow, and Will realizes she caught his faux pas.

Flash: I need to tell you something. I�m not who you think I am, and its time I told everyone.

A knock is heard at the door. Will opens the door to Marcy, and invites her in upon seeing her.

Will: Al�s in his bedroom. I�m sure he�d love to see you.

Marcy: I can�t go in there.

Will: You spent a week of nights with the guy at a seedy motel.

Marcy: That was different.

Will smiles playfully, and gives her a flirtatious look. Marcy looks down, walks into Al�s room, knocks, and announces herself.

Al: Well then, come in angel.

Al�s bedroom�

Marcy trembles as she opens the door to see Al sitting up in bed shirtless, and with his hair tousled. Marcy leaves a crack in the door. Al laughs and speaks in his sexy voice on the radio voice.

Al: Marcy� can you close the door please?

Marcy: Sure Al.

Al: Come and sit next to me.

Al smiles sweetly at Marcy, as she walks toward him. Marcy looks down.

Al takes her hand as she seats herself next to him. She smiles shyly, but with enough enthusiasm that evidence is shown that she enjoys his advances.

Al: I�ve missed you angel.

Marcy: We�ve been so busy, with finals and all. I trust you to handle it after all you did to kick the drugs. How are you doing? I mean, you�ve never been through something like this before. I�m so glad your parents are cool about it.

Al: I�m glad you told them, but I don�t want to talk about my parents.

Marcy: Are you excited about graduating?

Al: Sure, but I don�t want to talk about graduating.

Meanwhile, in the living room�

Flash feels a tug on her heart. It reminds her of her feelings for Joe, and how she�d blown it with him by keeping her identity a secret from him.

Then she smiles, happy that Will�s goofing helped her realize that Joe isn�t the only guy in the world. She thinks about Will, and also Riley, her guitarist, wondering if she is ready to respond to anyone�s advances.

Will: Okay, you have my full attention. But, first, do you have Riley�s opinion about me working with you guys?

Flash: Its hard to talk to him right now. He� look, this is sort of personal, but Will� you make me feel like I can talk to you.

Will: You can!

Flash: He, uh, has feelings for me. I don�t want it to mess up the band.

Will: You still hung up on Joe? I know something went wrong with you two.

Flash: It�s not that simple. Hasn�t Jen told you?

Will: Naw, what�s up?

Flash: I guess that Riley�s feelings for me is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of my problems. I�m Sarah, Sarah Joetopher. Look, you�re gonna think I�m some kind of freak when I tell you this. I don�t expect you to say anything. But we�re working together, and you should hear it from me. Not only that, but I like, grew up with Al. Jimmy, my brother, and Al were best friends growing up. Every time I look at Al, I remember the guy who�s like my other big brother. I want to put my arms around him and comfort him, but I couldn�t even tell HIM! It�s because I didn�t want my mom to find out about my stage persona. I mean, you�ve seen what I do. I�m sure it scares as many people as it attracts, but I love to shock people. My mom won�t get that. Its all still a secret, but the secret�s out now anyways. I really don�t expect you to understand, but like I said, you need to hear it from me.

Flash is trembling slightly, and her jaw is lowered as she is looking dead on into Will�s eyes, looking for understanding. Will moves toward her, and puts his arms around her.

Will: The last thing you need is Riley coming onto you, when music is probably keeping you sane about now. I know what that�s like. Music saved my life more times than I can count.

Flash looks up at Will, and smiles in a hopeful way. Will thinks to himself about how she doesn�t need another business partner messing with her head, that the last thing she needs is Riley or him coming on to her. Flash: And even the music is betraying me.

Will: That throat problem? Look, forget it. We�ll wait as long as necessary.

Back in Al�s bedroom�

Al: Hold me Marcy.

Marcy: Oh Al.

They embrace, and Al is rubbing her back softly.

Al: You are so beautiful angel.

Marcy blushes and Al doesn�t see it, but senses it. He lets go enough to move his face toward hers, and looks into her eyes.

Al: I can�t even describe what kind of feelings are running through me because of you.

Marcy: Al, I�

Al brushes her face softly with his fingers.

Al: I know.

Al leans forward, with his hands reaching around Marcy�s head, and pulls her toward him to kiss her passionately. Marcy�s eyes widen, and her breasts heave at his touch. She reaches for him too as Al pulls her down toward a horizontal position. Marcy begins to tremble and then jumps up.

Marcy: I can�t Al.

Al: Marcy�

Marcy runs out of the room, and out of the apartment, past Will and Flash.

Al attempts to chase her but he�s not wearing anything, and doesn�t make it further than his bedroom door. Al decides to give her some time, and then call her later tonight. But he can�t stop thinking about her.

Al (to himself): I love you Marcy. I would never hurt you.

A knock is heard at Al�s door, and Al hopes its Marcy, but its Will and Flash.

Al: Yeah, come in.

Will: Everything okay?

Flash: We saw Marcy run out. We were worried.

Al: It�s cool. Thanks for caring. It�s just real intense between Marcy and me. Nothing�s wrong. I�m in love with her, and..

Will: I understand.

Flash: Ya know, the first time I felt like that about a guy, I was a little freaked out too.

Al: (smiling) You�re a doll Flash, being that open with me!

Will looks at Flash, and Flash knows what Will is thinking. She nods.

Will: She knows you enough to be open with you. She knows you more than you could possibly imagine. Look into her eyes Al.

Al looks confused, looks at Will for some explanation, and then looks at Flash with bewilderment. Flash looks into Al�s eyes and begins to sing.

Flash: I�m a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my�

Al: Okay. Have you lost it? Oh man, the last time I heard that silly song is when..

Al�s jaw drops, and his head moves in a disbelieving motion. Al gulps.

Flash: It�s me. Do you remember the last time you saw me? I was a little girl.

Al: Sarah? Oh my god, Sarah? You.. you were right in front of me all this time?

Flash shakes her head enthusiastically.

Flash: It�s not your fault. I couldn�t tell you, but the cat�s out of the bag, and I needed to talk to the people I care about so they find out the right way.

Flash looks at Will, and Will feels a sting in his heart, knowing that Flash referred to him as someone she cares about by looking at him at that moment.

Al: C�mere sweetie!

Al and Flash embrace. Will�s eyes are almost tearful.

Al: You tell me what your ole buddy Al can do for you, and I�m there. Flash: Back at you.

Al: I lost touch with your brother.

Flash: He�s in the military. I think he�s okay.

Al: Cool. Well� at least I have my lil buddy Sarah here in good ole Waterside with me!

Flash: I�ve missed you!


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