"Al Heaven": Chapter Eleven - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum.

Summary: Jen Stops Rex, and Realizes Al Loves Marcy

Will and Al�s place�

Will opens the front door after he hears a knock. Rex casually walks in as he states his purpose.

Rex: I'm looking for Jen.

Will: She's not here.

Rex walks toward the couch to sit down.

Rex: When Will she be back.

Will: She doesn't live here.

Rex: I know.

Will: So I'll see you later?

Rex: She's here a lot. You know where she is?

Will: Rex, you'll have to ask her. Call her cell phone or something. Rex: Must be out of batteries. So what's going on with you?

Will: What's with the small talk?

Rex: What, I'm not a friendly guy?

Will: What do you want Rex?

Rex gets up and walks toward the restroom.

Rex: Hang on.

Al walks out of his bedroom as Rex goes into the restroom.

Al: What's all the commotion?

Will: Rex is here. in the bathroom.

Al: What does he want?

Will: He says Jen.

Al: But she doesn't live here.

Will: As I told him.

Al knocks on the bathroom door. Rex comes out with his hand on his stomach.

Rex: Hey Al! Listen dude, I'm not feeling well. I really gotta lay down.

Rex starts toward Al's bedroom.

Rex: I just need a couple minutes, you mind?

Al looks at Will and shakes his head like he's shaking off Rex's bizarre behavior.

Al: Uh, no.

Rex: Dude!

Al: Lay down on the couch then. Jeez man!

Rex: Uh, yeah.

Rex stumbles on his way.

Al: Never mind! Use my room. I'm up ANYWAY!

Rex opens Al's door as Jen runs in through the front door, out of breath, and with a dead serious look on her face.

Jen: I saw Rex's car, and Al's motorcycle. Where's Rex?

Will: What's with the weirdness?

Al: Relax Jen. Your lover boy is in my room with a stomach-ache.

Jen: He's not my� never mind! How long has he been in your room?

Al: He just walked in it as you walked in the front door, So what�s going�

Jen runs into Al's room, in a panic, unable to think straight, worried that Rex had time to plant the drugs in Al�s room.

Al: Look, I don�t know what you two are up to but you aren't using my bedroom for it.

Jen ignores Al, and acts on impulse, not having time to think a plan through.

Rex: Hea Jen!

Jen picks up a barbell in Al's room and clocks Rex with her fist using the force of the weight, before Al and Will have time to realize what's going on. Rex falls to the floor and a bag of little white pills is sent flying across the room. Jen stands staring and shaking, in a petrified position.

Jen: Don't touch anything Al! Will, you too!

Al: What's going on?

Jen: He tried to set you up.

Rex looks like he's beginning to stir but doesn't completely come to. Will is standing over him. Al is looking at Jen puzzled as he approaches her. Jen falls into Al's arms, exhausted. Al is oblivious that Jen has any intention other than friendly.

Will: He'll be okay. Just a little out of it. Call the police Al.

Al: Wait a second. Jen, why didn't we do that in the first place?

Jen looks up at Al.

Jen: Al, you would have been blamed. Al, I know you're using, and I know it's my fault that this happened. I should have done something sooner. But you can�t call the police. Rex doesn't use. Who would the police believe?

Al: Actually, I kicked them, but they're probably in my system.

Jen looks at Al with enthusiasm, and Al releases Jen naturally after noticing she's gained composure.

Jen: That's so cool Al. That's gotta be tough. Congratulations.

Will: Here, here man. I knew you could do it.

Al: Marcy deserves the credit. She's been with me this past week, the whole time. But wait a second here Jen. How did you know what Rex was up to? Jen turns casually away from Al, as to not let Al see her pain. She acts like she's casually flipping through magazines on Al's dresser as she speaks. Will takes a gulp, and holds back on consoling his sister for her realization that there was no hope of winning Al�s heart back, knowing it's Jen's call to reveal her feelings.

Jen: Marcy's a great girl, probably the best friend I ever had.

Al: Yeah. thanks, uh.. I want to know about Rex.

Will: It doesn't matter. We have to figure out what to do next.

Al: Jen?

Jen: Fine. I knew for almost a week. I overheard Brad and Rex talking. I was gonna. I�

Will walks toward Jen.

Jen: I know I should have called the police. I wanted. Look, I wanted to be a hero for once. I played with both your lives. I wouldn't have let anything happen though. I swear. I know I almost blew it, but it turned out okay, right?

Jen is confident that her eyes aren't too revealing given the circumstances, and turns toward Al again, a tear falling from her eyes.

Jen: I'm so sorry.

Al's face shows utter confusion, and he gulps.

Al: Jen.

Jen: Oh Al! Don't get all sentimental on me now. After all you�ve done for me, and considering how wonderful a friend you've been even after I did all those horrible things to you. I mean, hea. I wouldn't blame you if you never spoke to me ever again.

Jen pauses.

Jen: But you did, and�

Al leans over and kisses Jen softly on her forehead, not fully understanding the situation he's in, but curious about Jen's feelings toward him. He stares at her intently afterward, with his brow ruffled. Jen looks up as to respond romantically, but she realizes Al is only being friendly, so she pulls away.

Jen: You forgive me?

Jen takes a deep breath. Al looks at her intently, confused but clear that Jen is sincere, and that emotion is communicated in his eyes.

Jen: Okay. Let's destroy the drugs. He got them from Brad, who will be three shades of red when he realizes he lost that much money on the stash and Rex wasn't successful.

Will: He could still try again.

Jen: They won't say anything about what transpired today. We could decide to warn the police that I know about Brad's intentions. And it will give Al time to let the drugs move out of his system.

Will: Dang sis. You sure are cool under pressure.

Al: Definitely Jen. I guess I never really realized who you were.

Jen: Thanks, both of you. Again, I know I didn't handle it well.

Al: Okay. What's done is done. Let's get this plan underway.

Jen smiles with dignity, and looks at Will expressing that she Will not be confusing Al with her feelings. Will responds with a look that she reads as well, one that shows he completely understands. Al assumes the unspoken communication is about the Brad and Rex situation.

Marcy calls Al to check on him. Al's face lighting up does not go unnoticed by Jen. Jen shakes her head up and down lightly, with her mouth tensed, feeling a strong sense of pride in her choice, an unfamiliar yet welcome resolve. Will looks into Jen's eyes.

Will: I'm proud of you, sis.


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