"Al Heaven": Chapter Ten - by Char

Disclaimer: This story contains adult material and may not be appropriate for those under 18.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum.

Summary: Will and Jen Connect, Al Makes a Move Toward Marcy

Will and Al�s Place� Will opens the door to find Jen crying.

Will: Jen, what�s wrong?

Jen: Hold me.

Will: C�mere lil sis.

Will puts his arms around her, and walks her to the couch. He doesn�t say a word but looks her in the eyes in such a way, he entreats her to speak.

Jen: I�m such a spoiled brat. I� I can�t believe how messed up my life is.

And� I have no one to blame but myself.

Will: Well, you can�t blame yourself for everything.

Jen: Yea? How do you figure?

Will: If someone told you about a girl who went through what you�ve been through, what would you think? Would you expect her to know how to deal?

Will winks and smiles.

Will: Cris will think twice before doing that to a woman again.

Jen: What did you do?

Will: When I first came to town, I got a piece of him. Al pulled me off.

Jen smiles an evil smile.

Will: I�m glad you approve. I didn�t tell you because I knew you probably still had feelings for him.

Jen: Funny, I feel nothing. I was so pathetic at first, but then I realized it was all just some niave little girl fantasy, you know, after I had some time. Then so much happened, I didn�t have time to even digest it all.

Will: You�ve had to grow up fast.

Jen: Grow up? How have I done that? Look at my life!

Will: Well, who is this guy you�re into? I mean, I can see that this is over a guy. Is it Joe? I know you were hoping he�d take a chance on you.

Jen: I might as well tell you. Doesn�t matter anymore anyway, and you should know. Joe is in love with Flash.

Will: ERIKA????

Jen notices Will�s extreme reaction.

Jen: What, you jealous?

Will: No wonder she doesn�t give me the time of day.

Jen: Maybe you should go for it anyway. I mean, if Joe were SO in love with Flash, he wouldn�t have spent so much time with me! We even kissed.

Will: He kissed you?

Jen: And paid a heavy price for it.

Will: What? Tell me!

Jen: I told Flash that I slept with him.

Will: You? I.. Wh..

Jen cuts him off.

Jen: Don�t worry. I took it back. No harm done. I admitted to Flash that I did it so she�d feel as bad as I did, but that I couldn�t go through with it because Joe doesn�t deserve it. I mean, he was there when no one else was. What can I do? I want him to be happy, and if it�s with Flash, so be it. Will: What were you thinking?

Jen: Wasn�t.

Will: So what�s next?

Jen: I�ve started seeing a therapist. I don�t know how you do it, living with not knowing why dad was murdered or who did it.

Will: It�s been months and the police are no closer to finding a clue.

Jen: There are some things in life that you have to learn to accept, because you have no choices. I don�t know what to do with all my frustration and anger.

Will: I�ve been pouring it into my music. So what does your therapist suggest? Where do you go from here?

Jen: Try to figure out what to do the pieces left of my life, and what to do with my inheritance. Dad left me his guitar! Did you know that? I don�t play. Maybe you should take it.

Will: Maybe there�s a reason he left it to YOU.

Jen: You�re the one with the unused law degree, all for the sake of music.

Will: I might use it after all.

Jen: Really?

Will: I�m hoping to represent bands.

Jen�s evil smile reappears.

Jen: Uh huh� and your first band would be, let me see, Flash�s band?

Will: Ok, I�m busted. I want that girl. Oh man� I want her!

Jen: What do you see in her? Seems a little yuch to me.. but hea, if she up and decided she is into you, that would be another story.

Will responds teasingly.

Will: And Mr. Nice Guy would be free�

Jen: I had time to think about him too since he�s been so unavailable to me.

Will: And?

Jen: It wouldn't work. Don�t get me wrong. He�s an amazing man, but I'd always be trying to prove myself to him. I'll never feel like I'm good enough for him, and I'd be lonely again, and my heart would wander.

Will: That�s why you�re wasting time with Rex??? I mean, I�ve been wondering if he was the guy you�ve been talking about. You think HE is the right guy? You know what could have happened to you that night he left you to fend for yourself! I mean, ok, so you think you have become a bad girl, but that doesn�t mean you deserve Rex!

Jen: I wish I had someone who is a little bit of Joe, and a little bit of Rex.

Will: Then hold out for him.

Jen: I am.

Will: What? Do you have someone in mind?

Jen shakes her head up and down slowly, with moist eyes shining. Her face shows an expression of pain.

Jen: I want�. Al.

Will�s mouth drops.

Will: You sure about this? I mean, well, you know you really took him to the cleaners emotionally. I didn�t think you� you WANT Al? You rejected him over and over and over and over and over and over!

Jen lays her head on Will�s chest.

Jen: Lest I forget.

Will: You realized you were pregnant with his kid after you dumped him, and....

Jen stares off and responds robotically.

Jen: That�s what�s so sad. If only I�.

Jen rubs her belly and pauses.

Jen: my� my baby� Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if he survived.

Will turns to look into Jen�s eyes, grabs her lovingly, and presses her sad face against his chest.

Will: I know, I know.

Jen: I�m sorry. I know you lost your little girl.

Will: I should have brought it up. We should have talked. What were you going to name him or her?

Jen: I really felt it was a boy.

Will: So?

Jen: Al.

Jen pulls away from Will to see his reaction.

Jen: I would have named the boy Al, Jr.

Will: But you didn�t want to be with Al.

Jen: You think I could have looked into Al�s sweet little face and not feel something for his daddy?

Will gives her a strange look.

Jen I could just see his little dark brooding eyes, his curved little lips, and� I�d have imagined his daddy and how much he wanted me when we made him. You know, the one thing Al had right was that I liked it. Will, I did. I always cared for Al. I just never imagined it could be more because I didn't understand why he loved me. I wasn�t ready for it. I didn�t see it. Maybe we would have worked it out but the pregnancy changed everything, losing the baby changed everything. I never had time to process it, and Cris came into my life. What a mess that was.

Will: Maybe its not too late? Al�s got some serious problems though, but hea, if you really care about the guy�

Jen: I know about the drugs.

Will: How?

Jen: Never mind that. I know deep down that Al will overcome it. He got over me, and as much as I wish he hadn�t, it proved he is strong. No, my problem is Marcy.

Will: Yeah, they seem to be getting closer.

Jen: I never would have imagined Marcy as my competition because guys aren�t looking at her, but after all I�ve seen this past year� I guess I�m starting to realize what�s important, what�s real.

Will: Yeah� ego isn�t love. I tried that.

Jen: You and all your philosophy! You have to admit though, it can be quite a rush!

Will: If you don�t feel a little of that for Al, maybe you just THINK you want him because you want something secure.

Jen smiles slyly.

Jen: Oh Will. You have NO idea what that man does to me. I know you think it doesn�t make any sense. Look, all these problems made me come to grips with who I really am. I wasn�t ready for Al then. I didn�t see it. The only thing I know is that if I ever had another chance, he�d never have to worry one day about my devotion.

Will: I�ll help you get him back. Maybe you can help me with Flash too.

I mean, what is she thinking getting involved with a guy like Joe?

Will puts on a tongue-in-cheek smile, because the subtext is Will and Jen know that Flash and Al are seeing really good people. The writing is on the wall, but it doesn�t make it any easier.

Will: What is Al and Flash thinking when they could be with US!

Jen: You�re bad.

Will: Just like my little sister?

Will and Jen laugh.

Will: You and me against the world.

Jen: Like that dumb song mom used to play.

Will: Just like.

Motel on the outskirts of town�

Marcy: Al, I think its time to return to the world. You�re eating again, and you seem to be happy again. People are probably wondering what happened to us.

Al: Your job?

Marcy: I�ll get another one.

Al: I�m so sorry.

Marcy: You�re worth it.

Al: If I have anything to say about it, I will be.

Marcy: I have no doubt. You ready to face the world though?

Al: Gonna have to sometime.

Marcy: I�ll be standing by you every step of the way.

Al takes a moment to take in what Marcy just said.

Al: That mean you�re my girl?

Marcy blushes.

Al: I want to take you out, pick you up at 7, buy you flowers�

Marcy: I�d like that.


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