"Al Heaven": Chapter One

Disclaimer: This story was written by Char, and may not be posted on other sites/message boards without her permission.

Comments: Send the author an E-mail, or leave a message on the Al Fan Fiction Forum.

Summary: Will Settles in Waterside

Will arrives in town on a bus, sporting a new goatee, and some serious attitude. First on his agenda is to beat Cris to a pulp, and he heads to the diner Cris�s mother runs. He finds Cris within a block of the place. Will walks up and punches Cris in the face before Cris has time to even recognize Will as the usually peaceful brother of his ex-girlfriend. Cris flies back.

As Cris begins to rise back up and realize what just happened, shaking his head as if to shake off the dizziness he felt from the punch, he tries to focus on Will..

Will: That's for what you did to my sister. What? Was she not good enough for you? I should finish you off right here for dumping her after taking her virginity, and then coming back to her years later with all your lies about loving her, ALL those months of LIVING with her, you f---ing a--hole!

Just as Cris starts to get up to try to deal with the situation, Will kicks him in the stomach.

Will: Punk! You don't say s--- to her anymore, ever. Am I clear?

Cris: Wuhuh�

Will stands over him, watching him writhe in pain, as shaken as the man below him.

Will: Don't even try to defend yourself. You deserve every f---fed up detail of what Jen did to you!! You should have just rotted in that jail cell! It�s where you f---ing belong!

Al, a prior love interest of Jen who was dumped by Jen to pursue a relationship with Cris, hears a commotion on his way to the diner himself.

He overhears the last comment, and physically pulls Will back from attacking Cris further.

Al: You're right Will. He's scum, but let's not ruin your life by ending up in jail yourself over this creep. And Cris, stay the f--- down unless you�re looking for some more cuz I ain't defending your punk a--.

Will begins to gain composure, and Cris starts to speak as he remembers how his fight with Al the year before ended up in Al's temporary paralysis.

Cris: Will uh, and Al, whatever you say. If this is what it takes to end this, I'll accept this as punishment, and we'll just forget this ever happened. I can't help it man, I fell in love with Veronica. I didn�t mean for it to happen.

Will (calmly): I don't f---in like you, never did, and never the f--- will. Just stay the f--- away from me, and don't ever let me catch you anywhere near Jen.

Will extends his hand for Cris to step to his feet, as a gesture of mutual agreement, though clearly not forgiveness. Maria, Cris' mother, is running from the diner after hearing about a commotion involving her son, Cris.

Maria yells: Miho, you're bleeding. I'm calling the police.

Cris: Mahmee, please, let's just leave it alone. I'm okay. I need to clean up, and no doubt I'll be feeling pain for a while, but I'm okay. I know what I'm doing. Please.

Maria throws a hateful glance at Will and Al, while putting her arms around her son, to walk him to the diner.

Al: So Will, uh, welcome home to good ole Waterside.

Will: Why couldn't my sister stay with you? Sometimes I think she just hooked up with Cris just to spite me when I wouldn�t let her move in with me. I know she couldn�t take another day living with our mother.

Al: I'm over her man, way over her.

Will: It's just as well Al. It takes a long time to get through the feelings involved with losing your first. I hear its even harder for a woman, ya know, letting a guy inside her and then feeling humiliated by getting f---ed over like that!

Al: You know how many times I wanted to that to him? I had to let it go, well, mostly because I'm not her brother, and she doesn't want me. But I digress. I know you can handle this right, and let it go? Will: Mutual disgust of Cris. hmmm, sounds like a great foundation for friendship Al. Thanks for pulling me off him, seriously, thank you.

Al: Don't mention it. So what's up with you being back here?

Will: Yeah, I need to be here for my stubborn baby sister. She won't have any of it but I know she needs me. You really shouldn't listen to a word Jen says, ya know. She never lets anyone know what she really feels. Al doesn't say anything, but nods, thinking to himself: No sense telling Will he's clueless about his sister. But on the other hand, maybe he's right, not that I want to get involved, f--- THAT.

Will continues: I have two things on my agenda today, throw Cris in the Bay, and find an apartment. One down.

Al: I know of some places. I was looking myself but couldn't swing it. I'm stuck in dorm hell. I have to hang my bike on the ceiling, THE CEILING! What kind of budget are you working with?

Will: Money, I have. Don't worry about it Al. I got it covered. Enough to get a place anyway.

Al: Cool, listen, then, I'm really f---ing up at school right now, and I'd better find another place to study. The diner is, uh , not going to work out anymore. I'll definitely catch you later.

Will: Mr. Straight A student? You�ll have to catch me up. Al, lemme get your number, uh, I got a pen somewhere, ah yes.

Al: 555-6789

Will: Listen, I'll call you. F--- the dorm. I can�t afford my own place but we could pull our resources and come up with something.

Al drops his books, and his face loses expression. He speaks slowly, and shakes his head.

Al: F--- yes! Yes! Aw, F--- yeah!

Getting situated in the new apartment, Al has many questions he hasn�t gotten around to about the newly mysterious Will, apparently his new good friend.

Al: So whatcha doing for money anyways?

Will: I was in a band. It was crazy. We got great gigs. Wasn't exactly my kind of music, close, but not really what I'd like to do. What's cool is that I learned so much about the business. Al, it probably sounds ridiculous. I want to start my own band. I'll just do it here, instead of in Los Angeles. I know what to do. Its crazy, I know.

Al: Damn, I never would have pegged you for a musician. I mean, I knew you liked to screw around with karaoke, but�

Will: Go figure. I was just messing around. I couldn�t take the law firm life. I wasn't taking life seriously at all, partying a little to hard, Well, the next thing you know I took the mike when a front man missed his gig. (pause) I felt it. Everyone within earshot could feel it. I knew it. Of course, I wasn�t hitting everything right, but , one thing led to another.

A few days and a few pizzas into the new apartment�

Will: You hungry?

Al: Naw, man. I don't eat much these days.

Will: I'm ordering a pizza, pepperoni and pineapple. Don�t laugh. It�s good.good. Al: I got things to do.

Will: You always got stuff to do. Take a break. I'm thinking about throwing a party.

Al: Man, I gotta go. Do it! Seriously. Party on dude. Have a great time.

Really. Do it!

Will: So when am I gonna see my so-called roommate again?

Will shoves him playfully in the shoulder.

Al: Well I always show up to sleep. You know if you ever need to talk�

Will: You sleep?

Al: No time. (Al laughs)

Will: (Looking quizzically) Al, I'm worried about you. No one stays up as long as you do, uh, au naturale.

Al: I think I know where you are going with this. I'm not into drugs. Really. I just, uh, temporarily need to stay up.

Will: I don't think it works that way. I�ve been there. Just be careful. Its like you said about Jen --- you gotta figure shit out for yourself.

Will rambles: But I'm here ya know. And Al, I don't want to end up in a position where. you know, uh, nevermind. I respect you. You know what you're doing. I'm gonna trust you on that.

Will reaches for a handshake that ends up in a hug between two people who have really made a connection.

The party at Will's (and Al's) has the sound of the radio permiating the room, as the crowd listens to the latest personality on the college station.

It�s his 2 a.m. signoff. The crowd murmurs about this voice who doesn�t give up his identity. Al stumbles in at several minutes later, gorgeous women on each arm. Jen is at the party alone, and has a local bad boy who goes by his last name, Rex, thinking about getting a little further than he got last week with her, but she's not interested because Cris is not there to show off in front of.

Will: Al! Where did you find these gorgeous women? Hi, my name�s Will.

Will takes Al aside and asks him how well he knows em. Al winks and tells him he's known them for awhile, and that the redhead has been trying to get with him for weeks now.

Al (out loud): Let's just say that the mysterious voice on the radio hooked us up.

The ladies giggle. They are in their mid 20's, and obviously can't get enough of the young studly Al. The buxom brunette on Al's right arm jiggles

and looks at Will up and down seductively.

Al: I think she likes you. Will, meet Tasha.

Will throws a sexy, come here, look at her.

Tasha: Al, you don't mind if I get to know your friend.

Al: Will, I'll be in my room if you need me. Tasha, have fun sweetie.

And don't forget what I said earlier, about business.

Tasha: (She winks) Oh Al honey, I'd do anything for you.

Al: I bet you would.

Al puts his arms around the leggy redhead previously on his left arm.

She is busy licking her lips in a dead stare at Al, a picture Jen did not miss a detail of. Al picks her up and carries her, cave-man style, to his bedroom.

Jen rolls her eyes.

Will: Tasha, what a coincidence. You've been starring in my dreams.

Tasha: (She smiles) Does that line ever work? Al says you are putting a band

together. Do you also write songs?

Will: Maybe I'll write a song about you.

Will and Tasha (and Jen) stop dead in their tracks hearing some interesting noises coming from Al's room.

In the bedroom, Al and the redhead, Jeannie, are trying to contain their laughter.

Al: Thanks for playing along Jeannie.

Jeannie: You just like to f--- with people don�t you?

Al: Or maybe I just like to make the kind of noises you only hear in x-rated movies.

Jeannie: Try doing that on the radio. I dare you.

Al: Shhhh... Someone might hear you.


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