"Is OLTL's Al a Bad Seed?" - SOU

Nathaniel Marston blames Al's gene pool

"Al is a pretty stand-up guy, who is now possessed by his love for Jennifer. Love is a crazy thing, probably one of the scariest emotions. People in love are unpredictable. They do things they normally wouldn't do because there's this huge chemical reaction inside of them. It doesn't always work out -- one person can have the reaction without someone else having it and therein lies the danger of love. If it's not mutual, it can become a really sick, twisted thing. Al's been around the block. He's been through it with his mom and he understands. He's made an effort to go the other way, go opposite from the ways of Max and Gabrielle and to sort of try to be this upstanding kid. But the apple only falls so far from the tree, and when prompted, Al falls into what he knows. He's a good guy, but look where he came from. A lot of people say it's not where you're from, it's where you are. That's nonsense, because genetically he's predisposed to being a con man. Al has used it more to be charming than to actually manipulate people. Now he's going to turn it around and use it for serious manipulation."


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