"5 Reasons Al Should Let Jen Go" - SID

Dude, where's your pride?

Why does Al continue to fight a losing battle? Pride? The torture of knowing that Jen was thisclose to becoming his wife? Maybe the reason doesn't really matter. What counts is that he get over his obsession and accept the fact that Jen is gone -- finally. Here are five reasons the almost-married man has got to move on.

1. Jen doesn't love you! Earth to Al! Is anyone home? Poor sap just doesn't get it. Jen doesn't love him. She never did love him. She never will love him. The faster Al can accept this reality, the sooner he can get on with his life.

2. Cristian will mess you up. The last time Al went at it with Jen's beau, Cristian, he ended up falling off a cliff and becoming paralyzed. Does Al really want to risk possible injury by getting involved in another brawl with Cristian? Growing up on the mean streets of Angel Square has made Mr. Vega one tough hombre.

3. Your true love might be right under your nose. There are plenty of pretty fish in Llanview's sea, but Al's bait is only designed to catch Jen, a situation that is sure to keep his love life floundering. Switching tacks might enable Al to reel in a real catch like passionate, playful Natalie.

4. It's time Al started to rebuild his reputation. Around campus, Al is starting to become known as a lovesick stalker and bona fide loser. Shawna and her catty friends already chuckle whenever he is around. They are not laughing with him, either.

5. Jen and Cristian are just meant to be. These two have overcome an unstable uncle, a hit man, a manipulative mom, and a truckload of guilt to be together. At this point, fate isn't going to let a little thing like Al's heartbreak muck things up.


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