June 22, 2001
Episode 1: June 22, 2001

    Since the performance for Good Morning America was coming up, they had to rehearse. Lou comes in during the rehearsal and behaves as though the money mishap never happened. Lou told the guys that he had no idea because he was gone and that he was sorry. The guys forgave him since without him, none of this would be possible...but could it be greed??? Finally, O-Town performs outstanding on Good Morning America.

Episode 2: June 22, 2001

    The Making the Fan contest begins. Each contestant has 30 seconds to prove they are the biggest fan. Although it was a tough competion, a girl with an O-Town tattoo won. While in L.A., Kelly, Trevor' ex, Shelli, Ashley's ex, and Janie, Jacob's gf, meet up w/ the guys. Kelly and Trevor go out to dinner and he asks her out again. She says she doesn't know if he's the one and rejects him. Ashley also takes Shelli out to dinner. Later in the hotel, he asks Shelli if she'd be with him again. She says no and he told her that he'd never thought he'd hear her say that. Then he walks out and cries. He tells Trevor that he was rejected too. On a happier note, Jacob said Janie was like his best friend, but she's scared that he'll fall in love with someone else when he's away. Well, at least Jacob's happy...
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws